Chapter Four

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As the day of the press conference approaching, it has been stressful for all them. The young mother was busy finishing whatever assignments given by her lecturer.

And despite that she was being harassed and bullied by everyone in the university. She didn't tell him that she was being harassed as she doesn't want him to make things worst. As she endure them she managed to spend time with her baby after a long day and that made her day better.

Meanwhile for the superstar, he was busy with schedules on various variety shows and entertainment shows as well.

The manager made him finish the schedules to clear his schedule until the press conference where he will have a free day to prepare for the wedding.

As they were busy with their own life, everyone from the company were busy as well preparing everything for the press conference. Calling as many people from the press as possible they even did a media announcement.

Finally the day of the conference has arrived and the superstar was nervous as ever. He told his manager to pick up the young mother and their baby safely.

As he looked around the crowd which mostly were reporters from various companies and there were also some fangirls and fanboys were seen at the back with banners.

He let out a soft sigh as he glanced around and saw the CEO coming in and sat down at the designated place for him and a few other VIP's as well.

As the press conference began there were flashes from the camera as the MC said "Today ..... will make an important announcement" and politely pointed to him "Without further ado"

The superstar nodded and bowed as he said "Today I would like to apologize to everyone for my behavior. But the picture" he points to the screen "Is true. I do have someone. She has been the light in my life and to our baby, Min Hyun"

The screen shows pictures of Min Hyun smiling happily. "I actually didn't know I have a son until one day I found him in front of my door and I do as much as I can to protect him"

The screen then shows the young mother smiling happily as she play with her son "This person was the one I love. The moment I saw her I knew I am in love with her"

At that moment at the corner of his eyes he saw her coming in with baby Min Hyun who was moving his legs about with the carrier.

"I never knew I'd be a father at this age. I'd thought I will be old and grey all alone but she changed my life. No, she and our son changed my life. So, .... Please come up I would like to say something to you"

Everyone's eyes were on her as she was now red from being embarrassed as she come up onstage and stood in front of him awkwardly.

"Her name is ...... and she is 22 years old, a university student in ..... University. She is the mother to our eight months old baby, Min Hyun"

He knelt down as he took out a ring "So ..... will you do the honor or being my wife?"

He saw her now tearing up and she looked around, covering her mouth. She nodded as she too felt the same way towards him. She misses his presence as they were too busy to meet that often up till that day of the press conference.

He put the ring on her finger and every flashes they ignored as he hugged her. He whispered in her ear "I promise I will never let them hurt you and promise to protect our family" And that made her heart swell with joy.

Soon the press conference ended as they were ushered into the van and brought to his apartment. The manager who was holding Min Hyun who fell asleep and was given to his mom.

"So what is next?" She ask, smiling still. She still couldn't believe she got engaged so early in and will be married soon.

"Next, is our wedding day" he said as he picked up her hand and kisses it gently making her blush"

They reached the apartment and stayed awhile before the manager sent her back to her small apartment as they rested since it's been a hectic day.

As the news of their engagement spread around there were some who were skeptical if it was just a fake engagement to cover up who the real father of the baby.

Meanwhile everyone online were debating.

"He can't be a father. The baby doesn't even look like him"

"We need a DNA test result"

"...... we demand a paternity test!"

"That slut could have use our oppa! The baby could be some other man's seed"

And as he sees it he went to the hospital after getting the baby's DNA from his hair and showed  the picture of the test on his Social Media.

"This is proof the baby is 99.999 percent mine and ..... so please be mindful of your words and actions. I trust this woman with my life. If all of you are doubtful I pray for all your heart to accept good things instead of bad things instead. #Love #baby"

The post went viral everywhere and it made the Social Media went quiet for awhile before someone posted a picture of her working at the club where she used to work.

The Social Media and the public were enraged as they sees this.

Back at the apartment, the young mother was playing with his now nine month old son and feeding him as the superstar came back, looking annoyed.

"Who the Hell posted that picture?" he grumbled as he sat on the couch, exhausted.

She knew her past will haunt her. Especially her past work. She already predicted they will dig through a lot of her history.

"Don't worry okay" she said calmly and that made him agitated. She realized what a big baby he was.

"What do we do?" He ask her and she smiled

"We just ignore them. When the time comes it will all stop" was all she said as she fed Min Hyun the last of the food.

She got up and went to wash the bowl and came back to sit beside him. Min Hyun already started to walk slightly and ended up crawling to her and patted her chest.

"Hungry my baby?" She slipped his clothes up and bra down and started feeding her baby boy. Caressing his cheek gently as the baby look up at her.

The day ended as the sun going down. Laying in bed as together were awkward even though they have been staying in the same apartment for awhile now.

They slept peacefully not knowing what lay ahead for them in the near future.

What will happen next? Stay tuned to The Night It Happened.

AN: Hi. So here is another update. I almost swore at my own story as it seem cheesy and cringy. Anywho I hope my readers like it. It see boring. I know. I'll try to find a way to make it more dramatic. Well until next time

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