The 3 Prodigies

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With Naruto's help, the trinamic trio was able to catch up quite quickly. Quick enough to pass and be put on a team, but for some reason, the team announciations were postponed to the next day. Naruto was about to go home with his new friends, but a voice stopped him in his tracks. "Hey dumbass, why didn't you do my homework?" Sasuke spoke. Naruto ignored him and kept walking with Eren, Mikasa, and Carla "You're probably too dumb because your parents were never around to help you." Sasuke said with a smirk. When he said that, the entire school yard went silent. They all knew that bringing up Naruto's parents in his presence was a bad idea. Sasuke then noticed Naruto had stopped walking. "What did you say?" Naruto said in Kurama's voice. When Sasuke heard his voice, he froze in fear. Naruto turned around and showed Sasuke his red eyes that were filled with rage. "Naruto?" Carla asked with a hint of scaredness in her voice. Naruto wanted to run up and kill Sasuke, but he didn't. He calmed down and started to walk away. "Pussy." Sasuke called him when he noticed him walking away. Naruto stopped and lightning started to cover him. "Say one more thing about my parents. I dare you." Naruto said in Kurama's voice, but his eyes themselves were red, not just the pupils, but the entirety of the eyes. "It's a shame that your mom is dead because she could've given me some nice babies." Sasuke said to Naruto. Naruto, unable to contain his rage, pulled out his signature weapon, his bow, and shot Sasuke in his leg with an arrow. He walked away before he did something he'd regret.

At Home

"Naruto, how did your parents die?" Carla asked him. "The day of my birth, the 9 tails was pulled out of my mother and she began to die. A masked man, put it under mind control and forced it to wreak havoc on the village. The 4th Hokage attempted to seal it into me, Kushina's newborn son, but after it was done, the 9 tails stabbed the 4th Hokage and my mom in the stomach, killing them both before it was pulled into me." Naruto said, a tear rolling down his face. Carla hugged him hoping to ease his pain and it seemed to work because he hugged her back and didn't seem so sad anymore. He then heard a knock on his door.

He opened it and it was every villager who had tried to kill him. Before he could run, he heard the villagers saying, sorry? Huh? After a few seconds, he realized that they somehow knew who his parents were and were apologizing for how they treated him. He accepted their apology and was allowed into move into his parent's old house.

"So, you guys want to live in a house or a mansion?" Naruto said to them. "Mansion." Carla said with a smile. Mikasa and Eren agreed, and they soon left for Minato's old house.

New House

Even Naruto was shocked at its size. It had 8 rooms with a restroom in each room, a large kitchen, an even larger living room with a larger TV, and a study that featured every jutsu that Kushina and Minato knew, but only people who were related to Minato could enter. "Why are you letting us live with you?" Mikasa asked. "Because, like me, you guys don't really have anyone but each other. I wasn't so lucky. I thought that I'd offer you the life I couldn't have." Naruto said. They all shared a group hug before settling in. Naruto used his rinnegan to master every jutsu his parents knew. He also discovered a compound bow that his mother wielded that could turn into a sword, shield, or just shrink to pocket it the day he arrived but was left drained from his training.

When he got done, he went out to get some Ichiraku for Eren, Mikasa, and Carla. While he was gone, her ran into Sasuke. "Watch where you're going brat!" Sasuke spoke. Naruto got up and just proceeded to walk past him, until Sasuke tripped him. "Are you going to say excuse me?" Sasuke asked. "No. Now move out of my way." Naruto said coldly. Sasuke threw a punch, but it was caught by a villager who was defending the son of the man who saved their village. 6 villagers stood in front of Sasuke and beat him senseless and told him to never touch Naruto again or else the beatings would happen daily. Naruto just smirked and walked off. A part of him felt guilty, but he knew that this was just karma catching up to Sasuke and his disrespectful actions.

It started to pour before he got back home and when he did, his shirt was off due to it being soaked in water, but he jumped from the roof tops to not draw attention. He entered and gave the 3 kids their food before going to put a shirt on, not even noticing Mikasa and Carla's shock at looking at his bare chest. He had a perfect 6-pack and huge biceps and triceps. He didn't notice, but he had made their jaw drop at looking at how muscular he was.

After the 4 of them ate, Naruto went to sleep, but couldn't sleep for an hour before he was awoken by a scream of terror. He quickly ran to the source and found Mikasa shaking in her bed, looking like she'd seen a ghost. "Mikasa, are you okay? You seem really scared." Naruto spoke. She was startled at his sudden appearance, but she composed herself shortly. Naruto noticed her crying so he just hugged her as she cried onto his chest. She then realized that Naruto slept with his shirt off, but she wasn't really paying attention to it. "What happened?" Naruto asked. "I had a nightmare that during that invasion, you didn't show up and Eren and Carla were killed because you didn't. After they were killed, the titans killed you too." She said to him. "It was just a nightmare." He said before kissing her forehead, causing her to feel a weird sensation in her stomach. "Do you need some company? No offense, but you look like a mess." Naruto said. She just nodded, being too sad to form words and a few minutes later, she was fast asleep resting on Naruto's chest, using it as a pillow.

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