A New Dimension

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The Colossal Titan had just kicked in one of the walls and titans were flooding into the small town where the last humans on Earth resided. One of the titans found 3 kids. Eren Yaeger, Mikasa Ackerman, and Carla Yaeger. Carla was about to be eaten when a blond kid wearing an orange jumpsuit and a blue headband kicked the titan on the ground and caught Carla. He then sat her down next to Eren. "Stay back. I'll deal with whatever the fuck this thing is." Naruto said before launching his Kurama chakra mode and piercing right through the titan's chest, killing it. He then went back to the kids. "Are any of you hurt?" He asked them. They all shook their heads left and right and he then set off to protect their little village. 

He summoned a 6 armed and 3 headed 9 tailed fox and threw 2 massive Rasen shuriken infused with Six Paths Power, knocking the titans back momentarily. He then noticed multiple people with brown coats and white shirts with brown lines charging at him with swords. He swatted them away before saying "I'm trying to help you idiots!" Naruto said. He then ran towards the titans and shot a tailed beast bomb towards them, killing them all, but he knew they'd regenerate soon enough (in this story, the titans won't die. You can put them in a comatose state if you hit them hard enough, but they'll regenerate soon enough.) 

He then powered down and was met with the soldiers who were wearing those brown jackets with white shirts underneath the jackets with brown lines. "Who are you?" A black-haired man named Darius asked. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I'm from another dimension." Naruto said. He then used his rinnegan's heavenly hand power ability to make a portal to his world. "Those titans will regenerate and when they do, you won't be able to stop them. They'll keep coming until all of you are dead. If you want to follow me to my dimension, you can, but you might want to hurry because I can't keep that portal open forever." Naruto said as his left eye started to bleed profusely. Everyone was skeptical of this dimension and this person. All except for Eren, Mikasa, and Carla. They trusted him with their lives considering he had saved their lives and were willing to go with him. Everyone else, wasn't. They saw him as an unknown entity of unknown power and didn't trust him as much as the other 3 did. "Anyone who wants to go can step through the portal, but it will only be open for 1 more minute." Naruto said. as his eye blood had started to form a small puddle of blood. Eren, Mikasa, and Carla all stepped through the portal and Naruto followed them and the portal closed shortly.

When the 4 of them were on the other side of the portal, Eren, Mikasa, and Carla all took in their surroundings. "Welcome to Konoha, The Village Hidden in the Leaves." Naruto said. He saw Eren reach his hand out to shake it as a thank you, but Naruto swatted it away and pulled him into a hug which surprised Eren a little bit. After Naruto pulled away, they began to walk through it. 

They noticed the villagers eyeing and whispering about Naruto. "Naruto, why are the villagers looking at you like that?" Carla asked. "*sigh* You guys saw that yellow fox I turned into when I knocked the titans back?" Naruto asked. They nodded and he continued. "Here, that person is considered a demon and it's sealed inside of me. One night, the fox escaped its old sealer and killed my parents and a lot of other people. To save the village, the 4th Hokage sealed it into me before he died. People think I am the demon fox. They believe he's possessing my body. As payback, the hate and try to kill me. All my life, I've been alone and hated by these villagers. They've tried to kill me 10 times over. That's how I met you guys. My special eyes can let me travel dimensions, so I've been going through different dimensions to find people who won't try to kill me." Naruto said. Eren and Mikasa's shock was present on their face and Carla was tearing up over his horrible life. She hugged him and thanked him for saving their lives before they continued to Naruto's house.

It was actually bigger than they thought. It had a medium-sized kitchen, a large living room with a flat screen TV on the wall and a coffee table in the middle of the room, and 4 bedrooms with a bathroom in each one. It was an Uzumaki Safe House and Naruto had to remove the seal and make a change to it to allow them to enter. "Alright. You guys can get settled in. I have to go to the academy." Naruto said before going to open the door. "Academy?" Mikasa asked him. "Yeah. You're from another world so you might not have chakra, but here, you train at the academy to learn how to be a shinobi, which is a fancy word for ninja. When you pass the academy, you're put on a team. 4 students and 1 sensei who's supposed to train each student to be a shinobi." Naruto explained. (I'm changing it from 3 students and 1 sensei to 4 students and 1 sensei so all Naruto, Mikasa, Eren and Carla can all be on the same team.) "Chakra?" Eren asked in confusion. "Chakra is essentially energy. You can use your chakra to do jutsu like this." Naruto said before doing the shadow clone jutsu and making 2 other versions of himself. Mikasa's eyes widened in surprise. "I'm seeing double. You guys see that too right?" Mikasa asked. Eren and Carla just nodded, being too shocked to formulate words. "If you don't have chakra then I can give it to you so you can enroll in the academy if you want. Also, I never asked before, but what are your names?" Naruto said. "Eren, Mikasa, and Carla." Eren said. "Nice to meet you guys. Also, do you want chakra?" Naruto asked. Eren, Mikasa, and Carla looked at each other before they nodded at Naruto. "Alright, we need to join hands." Naruto said. They all joined hands and after about 2 seconds, they felt weird in their stomach. After 10 seconds, they all disconnected their hands and realized that they felt a lot stronger. Eren made eye contact with Mikasa and saw that she and a rinnegan and Mikasa saw that Eren had a Jogan. "Congratulations. You all have Rinnegan, Tenseigan, Sharingan, Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, Hogan, Jogan, Byakugan, and Six Paths Sage Mode. In other words, all of you basically have cheats." Naruto said. They looked at him and noticed that he looked out of it. "Naruto, are you okay?" Mikasa asked him. She got no reply because the moment she finished her sentence, Naruto passed out, being drained from giving 3 different people a good amount of his chakra. Eren walked to him to see if he was okay and inspected him with his Jogan. "He's fine, just drained from giving us his chakra. He'll wake up soon." Eren said. 

1 Hour Later

They were about to get something to eat when Mikasa noticed something about Naruto. His whole body was suddenly covered in orange lightning, and he was shaking. "Uh, guys? Something's wrong with Naruto!" Mikasa said they looked at him and saw him covered in lightning. "What do we do?!" Carla asked. All of the sudden, Naruto's eyes shot open, and he was still covered in lightning. He jumped up, leaving a lightning trail behind him. "Wh-what happened? I must've passed out." Naruto said. They looked at him with confusion. "That happens to you when you pass out?!" Carla asked. "Yeah. I discovered it a few years ago. I can run, yes run, at mach 10 and I have lightning powers. Apparently, I was born with them." Naruto said scratching the back of his head. "Does that mean we have lightning powers because you gave us your chakra?" Eren asked. "I think so. If you do, you can make a sword of lightning, cover any weapon you already have in lightning, throw lightning, run at mach 10, apply lightning to any part of your body to amplify the damage of your attacks, and you can phase. Phasing is when you use your super speed to move so fast that you move through walls." Naruto explained. He then walked up to Eren and phased his hand through Eren's chest. "If I wanted to, I could stop phasing halfway and crush your heart. I wouldn't, but I could if I wanted to." Naruto said. The 3 of them were shocked at Naruto's explanation and accidentally started phasing out of shock. "Heh, guess you do have my lightning powers." Naruto said after he noticed them phasing. They noticed it too when he said that. "Well, now I'm off to the academy. You can come with me and enroll if you want." Naruto said. They nodded and they all went to the academy.

When they got there, they noticed that everyone was staring at Naruto. While he was guiding Eren, Mikasa, and Carla to the location to enroll he was pushed to the ground by Sasuke.  "Hey dummy. You didn't do my homework!" Sasuke said to Naruto. Naruto got up and dusted himself off. "I told you I wouldn't. You're kind of stupid if you thought I would." Naruto said. Sasuke threw a punch at Naruto, but he dodged it and pushed Sasuke away. Sasuke charged him again, but Mikasa caught his fist and kicked him in his abdomen before Naruto could. "Who are you and what's your problem?" Mikasa said. "I could ask you the same thing. I've never seen you around. You look kind of cute." Sasuke said as he walked towards her. He was met with a kick in his manhood by her when he tried to touch her face. "Not interested." She spoke. Naruto couldn't help but laugh at what happened and when they left, Eren, Mikasa, and Carla enrolled in the academy.

Surprisingly, they were prodigies. It wasn't a surprise to Naruto because rinnegan users could master anything jutsu they saw just by watching someone do it and he was a bookworm so he could help them on written tests. People started calling them "The 3 Prodigies".

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