The Land of Waves

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(I was recently told that Carla is Eren's mom and not his sister like I thought so I'm just going to kill her off.)

The newly formed Team 7 start to do missions. In Naruto's opinion, they're more like errands. They just clean rivers and help cats from trees. Naruto didn't think the "missions" were very missiony and that was made clear when they went to get their next mission. "Can you give us something more challenging? These missions aren't even missions. They're more like errands." Naruto said. He was swatted on his arm by Mikasa when he said that. "Heh, alright. If it's a challenge you want, I'll send all of you on the Land of Waves mission, your first C-rank mission." Hiruzen said before dismissing them.

They soon exited the village and set off for the Land of Waves. Halfway through their journey, they were attacked by the demon brothers. They cut Kakashi in 2, "killing" him instantly. After Kakashi was "down", they moved towards and decapitated Carla, killing her instantly. They then slashed at Mikasa who was too shocked at seeing Carla's body to react, but Naruto ran towards Mikasa and tackled her to save her from their attack. He then got up and shot them both in their legs with his bow and arrow. "Is everyone okay?" Kakashi said as he emerged from the bushes. "MOM!" Eren yelled when he saw his mom fall to the ground, headless. He broke down into tears as Mikasa and Naruto held him in their embrace. It was then that Naruto felt something going down his arm. He looked at the source of the feeling and saw he had been cut by them. Kakashi noticed it after Naruto looked at it. "Naruto, you've been poisoned. You need to try to cut it out with a kunai." Kakashi said. Naruto took a kunai, but before he could try to cut it out, Kurama evaporated the poison cells in Naruto's body. Seeing that highly trained assassins attacked them, Kakashi questioned Tazuna on if he'd lied on the paper he submitted asking for their help because the Demon Brothers are highly trained assassins. Tazuna said there'd only be a few bandits which is why it was a C-rank mission, but the Demon Brothers are highly trained assassins, taking the difficulty to A-rank. Kakashi considered turning back, but he wanted to see how strong his team was, despite the loss they felt.

They continued until they were stopped again by Zabuza Momochi, an S-rank missing-nin. "Stay back. Let me handle this." Kakashi warned his team knowing how dangerous Zabuza was. He engaged Zabuza in battle. They engaged in Taijutsu, but it was no use because Zabuza wielded Kubikiribocho, a very large sword that was the size of average human. Kakashi accidentally gave Zabuza an opening and Zabuza trapped him in a Water Style: Water Prison. Kakashi was slowly suffocating, and his team had to free him somehow. Naruto got his bow and began to shoot arrow after arrow at him. Mikasa was surprised at Naruto's ability to shoot so many arrows in such a small amount of time (Picture Oliver Queen from the Netflix TV show, Arrow. Naruto's shooting arrows at the same speed as Oliver does). Zabuza managed to dodge some of them, but he failed to see the arrow targeting the arm he was using to restrain Kakashi with the water prison. It hit his arm, causing him enough pain to move it, setting Kakashi free. Zabuza knew that they had strength in numbers and that he had to flee or kill them all in an instant, but before he could, he was struck with two senbon entering his neck, knocking him unconscious. A masked man appeared from the trees, grabbed Zabuza, and teleported away with him. Kakashi suspected Zabuza was still alive because the hunter-nin didn't destroy his body on sight when he came across it but instead, chose to carry him away. Kakashi then fell over, being exhausted from using his sharingan. One of his friends gave him that sharingan before he died, but it did lots of damage to Kakashi because he had no Uchiha blood, and his chakra reserves weren't that high. Mikasa then used the Six Paths Power, given to her by Naruto to heal Kakashi to full strength.

They soon reached Tazuna's house. His daughter, Tsunami, greeted them and began to prepare dinner for them. Kakashi told his team to train to control their chakra to their feet and walk up trees and walk on water. Surprisingly, everyone got it right off of the bat. Because Naruto, Eren, and Mikasa all had the rinnegan, they mastered it just by watching Kakashi do it. He then told them to learn their chakra natures. He handed them a piece of paper. "When you add chakra to those pieces of paper they will react a certain way. You can have Fire, Lightning, Water, Wind, or Earth releases." Kakashi explained. They added their chakra to the paper and all 3 of them had all 5 natures. Kakashi's eye widened as he saw the papers reaction to their chakra. "Congratulations. You've all done the impossible. It was thought impossible to have more than 1 nature, but you guys have all 5." Kakashi said. He decided to stop the training because it was clear that the 3 of them were still grieving.

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