/Young ma$ter Nie/

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Wen ning rolled the chains onto his hands. It's irritating to drag around these stupid chains. But it is his weapon!

After looking for a moment he paused!

"There is a protection spell activated. And don't have any crack on it!"

He looked around curiously, "But the track of that dark energy end here? Is it just a coincidence?" He placed a finger on his chin and thought.

Without Wuxian's permission, he can't break it. He waited for some more time, but didn't heard the flute sound. So he turned around and disappeared into bushes!

Soon after he left, two tired faces looked out from their hiding place!

"He looks fierce! Who is that?" Jian asked curiously.

"Ghost...general." Nuwa's tired voice heard from behind. Jian already transferred his remaining energy to both of them and while hiding there they recuperated until they can stand up on their on.

She continued. "That means my uncle is nearby. We should escape. Otherwise it will be troublesome."

They picked up the unconscious stranger and moved towards the sound of the water. On the way, Jian enthusiastically chatted about the Ghost general!

"I wanted to meet him so badly. But never got a chance. Wah! He is so cool. And I wanted to meet senior Wei also."

"There is nothing special about him! I'm seeing him everyday...well, may be once in a week? He is my uncle." Nuwa shook her head.

"Really? That's awesome! Can you introduce me to him? Hehe!" Jian became more enthusiastic.

Zhen pressed his palm on his shoulder. "Calm down boy! If he catch us now, we must give an explanation in imperial Court! You can go and see him yourself later."

Jian pouted and made himself calm down. They reached near a slowly flowing stream. It looks so dreamy and beautiful.

"Don't jump in. The most beautiful a thing, the most dangerous it will be." Zhen calmly stated.

He first made sure the water is ok. Then allowed everyone go in. Their bodies were too much filthy now. They themselves didn't wanted to touch anywhere.

"Eww! We stink!" Jian frowned.

"I'm afraid all the dung beetles in this entire forest going to surround us. Ahhh...I want to vomit!" Nuwa began to throw up! "It's so disgusting!"

"It stinks! But we are alive!" Zhen sighed while sinking into the water slowly.

They looked each other. "I don't want to remember that! I'm afraid of nightmares! What was that, my god!"

Then they looked at the boy who still didn't woke up on the Riverside.

"I fed him some herbs! He will wake up soon." Zhen told others.

"Eh? I think he is familiar!" Nuwa swam to the shore. They were fighting and running for their lives. Only now they are truly observing him.

"Nie Huaisang?" She exclaimed. "I'm not wrong. It's really him!"

"Who's that?" The other two looked at her.

"You know Nie sect of Qinghe, right? He is the younger brother of their sect leader, Nie Mingjue. Last year I saw him there when I went to participate the major sects conference with my father and uncle."

Zhen immediately understood. He heard about the Nie sect of Qinghe from Xingchen before. Jian just listened to their conversation.

"But how come he is here in this state? Don't anyone look for him?" He got puzzled.

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