Chapter 10 - Dreaming of Impossibilities

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Warning: Panic Attack


The palm tree sat tranquilly in its protective cylinder. Its leaves a soft green matching the small patch of grass that laid underneath it. You could almost smell its refreshing breeze, its cool windy fingers brushing your fur. Leaning your head on your hands, your elbows pressing against the sides of your knees as they sat crossed legged, you stared at the palm tree. Every now and them your tail would flick behind you.

Whenever you close your eyes for longer than a blink, you could see the world before. How grass would cover the entire ground, trees and flowers growing every where. Ocean waters shining their blue colour, splashing against sandy beaches. Critters and creatures of all kinds scurrying about. These things called Chao collecting fruit and chattering amongst one another.

It all brought a smile to your muzzle.

But it would always be gone too soon.

Your eyes would open, and al that was left was the singular tree, standing alone. Its life was trapped inside a glass dome, forever looking out, never getting the true love it deserved. Sure, it was the most important thing to the rebellion, but no one ever took the time to be with it.

Except you.

Mainly because of the fact that you got side lined from missions a lot.

Exhaling through your nose, your lifted you gaze up the tree. Your ears fell in empathy. You knew what it was like being important but rarely given the time. Heaving yourself up, you took two steps towards the protective glass and placed your metal claws tenderly on the fragile dome. Sadly, you stare at your metal claw as it gentle taps against the glass.

You couldn't feel it.

The cool glass.

The taps.

Sliding your metal hand down, you winced at the electricity that swiftly shot through your nerves. Shaking it off, you closed your eyes, focusing on your hand. You wanted to feel it. The glass. You were tired of only having half the senses as the others. Only one hand could feel and your scratched up ear only ever did half the job it once did. It also didn't help that your replacement arm was for your dominant one.

Your metal claw bunched up in a tight fist against the glass. Tears pricked the corner of your eyes as you gritted your teeth as you couldn't feel anything but your thoughts as they got louder and louder. Your breath quickened, your heart beginning to pound fiercely in your chest. Tail limply hanging, your ears pressed firmly against your head at you placed your head against the glass. Closing your eyes, you sniffled in your feelings.

Your stronger. Your fine.



'One arm loser'

'How are you so positive?'

'You cant fight!'

'She's no help'

Head throbbing, heart rushing, lungs breathless, you felt out of control. Your couldn't control the shaking of your hands, the electricity that constantly paralysed your nerves. Grabbing your shirt above your counting down heart, you lungs being the timer, your eyes snapped open, letting go of a few stray tears. The world spun around you, the floor seeming a lot further than before making your fur stand on end.

Shutting your eyes tighter, you shook your head, rubbing the top of your head against the glass, as the words downed you.

'What is the world was worse before?'

'You're not ready'

'Pathetic (A/T)'

'What if your lose?'

Your gloved hand clawed at your head, trying to quieten the voices. You constantly disagreed with the voices, but they didn't listen.

Why don't they listen?

Knees buckling, you metal hand dragged down the glass, consciously ensuring not to leave a mark. Landing on your knees with a thud, you curled up into a ball, reluctantly tearing your metal hand away from the glass, accompanied by a shock. Your metal hand dug for your heart while your normal hand tugged at your head. For comfort, your tail curled around you.

The world was slowly crushing you.

Every thing was cold and dark.

With teary eyes, you glared up at the tree, teeth bared in pain. Your eyes searched the tree in desperation. It analysed each leaf like it could fix you.

But it couldn't.

Time must have slowed down as your racing heart began to slow down, your breathing following suit. Staring at the tree, a type of serenity settle upon you like an angels wing. Subconsciously, your body uncoiled, returning to its original crossed stature. Ears lifting up, your last remaining tears fell.

Closing your eyes, you took in a deep breath and held it for a few seconds. Releasing the gulp of air loudly, you remained still and cleared your mind.

In your blank mind, the singular tree stood.



But slowly, one by one, more trees appeared. The grass rolled smoothly from tree to tree, its succulent green grass accompanied by the occasional flower. Over the multiple hills, from far away, you could see the bright blue ocean. The sun shone its brightest light, illuminating the bright blue sky that held not a cloud in the sky. As you stared up into the sun, you imagined at night its light would grow softer to allow the hidden stars to shine their constellations.

Leaning back, you felt the silky grass caress your fingers, tickling the palms of your hands. You wiggled your finger, slowly reaching the dirt under the grass which felt cool and soft. Eyes widening at the feeling, you sat up and held both arms in front of your face. A smile spread on your muzzle as both your original arms stood there. Uninjured and normal. Feeling atop your head, you felt both ears, solid.

Ears flicking to the side, you heard two footsteps crunch the grass next to your sitting form. Glancing to the side, you recognised the black and silver boots that stood next to you. As you looked up, you met the luxurious blue eyes of Nine. His synchronised metal tails swaying as one as he gave you a small smile. His hand extended down towards you. Taking his hand, he easily pulled you to your feet. Slowly, he began to take you through the green plains of your imagination, spinning with you in rhythm to an unheard music. His steps matched yours with ease, not needing the beats of the song but the beat of your heart. As he spun you around one last time, he stopped you in front of him, your back facing him. His hand pointed to the sky revealing the newly lit stars, there little dots connecting to reveal the constellations of all sorts of animals. Your tail wagged in joy.

And you grinned.

Fluttering your eyes open, you were met with the sight of the palm tree. Your heart dancing to a slow beat, your lungs easily stepping to the rhythm of the air. Swaying side to side to the invisible song, you hummed its unknown lyrics. Its melody catchy and memorising as it caught you in a relaxed and dreaming state.

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