Chapter 24 - The Return of the Blue

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I am going to try my best to finish the chapters I need before season 2 of the show.

Just an FYI, I may reuse photos bc I don't remember what I have used so... oops


Eggforcers flooded the alleyways. You felt little to no emotion as you ran your metal claw through their chest cavity's. You bounced from one to another, using their bodies as a booster for your jump as you attacked your next victim. Lazers shot through the small alley, foes and friends alike shouting and shooting. Knucks smashed two robots together, yelling in anger as more enemy troops arrived. Silently watching him rush off towards the entrance of the alley, you tiredly returned your gaze forward.


Another bot torn in two with a simple swing of your arm. 

The electric currents that coursed through your body became routine. Normal. In fact, you barley felt it at all. If anything, it was a reminder that you were alive and alone. Finishing off the last Eggforcer on your end, you blankly snorted at the pathetic fight, your metal claw forming a fist. 

"Anyway, super stoked to be back to help with whatever the heck is going on here." that familiar voice rung through your ears. Perking up, you glanced behind you, you eyes falling on the same blue hedgehog as a few weeks ago. He dashed from one spot to another, hitting and destroying his targets with ease. Taking a step in his and Knucks direction to help with their continued battle, you froze as the blue hedgehog continued to blabber on, "Where's Nine?"

Your ears fell, your teeth barred, and a dry tear ran down your face.


A full week-

7 days-

he hadn't been back. He left and never came back. Like he said he would. You made your choice to stay but you silently regretted it. The lasers and constant unwavering waves of Eggforcers not helping in your regret. Yes, this was home. But was this home without him.

It was not.

You used to not need anybody... but that changed... You needed him and it broke you.

"Nine?" Knucks voice spat venom awakening you from your state. "If you see him, I got a bone to pick with him." His eye flashed in your direction before redirecting back to Sonic. "Now do me a favour and pipe down. I got shells to crack." In seconds he spin dashed multiple Eggforcers that brought him over a wall of the alley. 

Sonic praised his improved ability, before mockingly stating, "I bet you can't do this!" Running atop a pile of disabled Eggforcers, he began to kick their bodies towards the other robots, knocking them out. You just remained staring, your fist tightening as cheers echoed through the alley. 

"Everybody scatter," Knucks ordered, which everyone obeyed immediately. Staring at Sonic in silence, his eyes beefily met yours with a form of pity and sadness. Shaking his head, he motioned for Sonic and follow.

Leaning you back against the wall, you paid little attention to the argument between Sonic and Rebel. You couldn't bare to hear Nines betrayal as he ran away with the crystal, and his harm upon you. It just hurt too much. 

Your ears were fallen back, your eyes hazed as your mind remained blank. 


Alarms rang, your ears perking at the deafening noise. Lifting your gaze, you watch the base's security cameras fill with video of Eggforcers swarming the aera near the base. Jumping to your feet, you immediately obey the orders from Rebel to move to the surface. Your limbs run on automatic as you follow everyone outside. 

Swiftly climbing up the base's stairs, you reach an outside world of lasers, yelling and explosions. Blood pumps rapidly through your body as the adrenalin hits as the sight of the battle. You breathing is heavy and you try to summon an emotion of anger to encourage your body to fight with full strength. But nothing came. 

Instead, the battle sight brought a deeper emptiness inside you.

This world is broken. I'm... not so sure it can be fixed anymore.

Blue flashed passed you as Sonic flashed into battle, his spinning quills slicing through the Eggforcers. But his steam was lost as a single swing of Eggman's robot. Growling, you notice the struggle of your newest recruit Denizen 1998 (Denizen or Den for short). He was doing well, his big purple body easily destroying Eggforcers as his cat reflexes improved his ability to fight but was quickly thrown off at the interference of Dr Deep. Ears flattening, you pounce into battle. 

Your metal arm flung his blade away from Denizen. Deep's face burned with rage at your appearance. Tail lashing, you stood in front of the purple cat and a few other recruits. You still felt no rage, just blank. Why were you even helping when it was pointless you didn't know. Your sharp gaze that glared at the Dr vanished as your tail fell flat on the floor. You stared blanky, trying to find fight. But nothing.

A quick kick to your stomach found you on the ground with a metal foot keeping you pinned down. Your hands clawed at the leg with little effort, your body wanting to just give up and curl in a ball of nothingness. Glancing over to Knucks and Rebel, they too were on the ground. Helpless as you.

But not as Hopeless.

Letting your arms fall to your side, you stared up at the laughing man, "Surrender the energy crystal and we'll promise to make you demise quick and painless." He pressed his foot down upon the word 'quick', making you wince but reveal nothing more. Your lungs struggled to breathe but you didn't care. Wheezing, air stuck in your throat, unable to reach your desperate lungs.

Closing your eyes, you began to fall unconscious.

But a loud buzz and bright red flash woke your senses up. Gazing up at the sky, as did everyone else, the pressure on your chest lessening as Dr Deep became distracted, you watched as Nine's ship emerged from its portal. 

A stupid hopeful grin grew on your muzzle at the sight of him.

He was back.

And fighting.

"Nine," your lips whispered.

"It's the fox that stole the shard," Deep yelled, "get him!" Pointing his sword up at the sky, the surrounding Eggforcers began to shoot up at Nine. A sudden wave of new energy and a wave of emotion hit your heart and blood streams like a drug. Growling, you dug your metal nails into the leg of Deeps armour. He glanced down at you with shock as you lifted his foot up enough to roll away and free yourself. 

Sonic rushed around the aera, swiftly saving allies from the dangers of the Eggforcers. Nine easily dodged all attacks, emitting his own and destroying multiple robots. 

It shouldn't have made you so hopeful he was back for you. For this city that you believed in so much. But it did.

Watching his ship fly by, and feeling its rushing breeze, you destroyed a few robots before scaling up the side of a building. Reaching the rooftop, you watched him fly around, shooting multiple enemies. From below, Sonic spin dashed into the Eggforcers that lead up to his ship like steppingstones. As Sonic fell into the seat next to Nine, an unsettled feeling rested in your stomach as they continued to fly in the ship.

From the window of the ship, you could feel Nine stare down at you. His blue eyes catching yours for a single glimpse before returning forwards. And in a red flash, he was gone.

The battle behind you continued to roar. But you couldn't hear it over your shattered heart being crushed in a blender.

You knew you shouldn't have been so hopeful.

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