Week Off Part 8

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Day 5

Ben meets someone and Gwen gets mugged


'This fucking sucks.' She thought looking at her armor. God she hated when she needed to change.

The tournament would have let them just go about their business in their regular battle skins but since it was a Plumber they were after they couldn't wear their true selves

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The tournament would have let them just go about their business in their regular battle skins but since it was a Plumber they were after they couldn't wear their true selves. SixSix and SevenSeven had gotten a Pre-Tournament victories for the Maiden Tournament.

"White and Silver... the color of the pussys of the galaxy." EightEight said in her native tongue, specifically tailored to fuck with the translators those dipshits use.

"We need to find the guy." SevenSeven said.

"Split...ground...cover." SixSix said.

EightEight nodded. The broken voice of her baby brother had been a reminder of a failed job for Vilgax and on the planet that birthed the Pussy Inniative.

For 240 years the Plumber's wanted peace in the galaxy though diplomacy. The Digit Assassins had existed for 200 and believed in conquest they'd achieve a place among the stars.

It's easier for 3 sides to get along if the other 2 are dead.

Sotoragg was like Earth where it wasn't under a Prime World but wasn't a Prime itself. The Digit Assassin Order had picked the best of the best of the species to augment and brain condition for murder and death.

EightEight knew how to hold a gun before she knew how to use a toilet.

Her father, Colonel Twelve Twelve, born 80 years ago was the Apex Male Specimen of the species who had seen the weakness in flesh.

Her mother Eleven Eleven was scanned from the entire population to be a completely unrelated while also being the Apex Woman on the planet at a genetic level.

The perfect woman for the next 60 years of development that her father had pushed with the governments funding.

He gave his children the best of the best when they proved the Genetic Programming was avaliable.

Seven Sevens limbs were replaced with multifunction weapons.

Six Six was Mutated by an old Mutagen stolen from Nanya.

EightEight was the first to receive Bloodstream Nanobots and internal implants that made her look unaugmented if you were to see her face. She saw hers as the most insulting.

The augmentations made you beautiful to their society. She dry heaved at the thought of fighting exposed like some barbarian.

Was she concerned if she ever had to fight naked? No but their society had tradition about showing your face to anyone not your family or your mate.

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