Ultra's End Goal [Not a Chapter]

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This is just something I wanted to put to words.

What Ultra's End Goal is and the idea I had for this story and its sequels.

In the Evolution Feature there is a version of Ben that lives through the Simulation so to take Ultimate Humungousaur he'd be seeing a Vaxasaurian Sandra trying to eat him. This version once a evolution happens is loaded into Ultra's Subconscious under Ben's God Emporer form.

Ultra's Goal is: Galactic Peace without tyranny. Universal understanding and brotherhood without subjugation.

To achieve the closest thing to perfection without stripping freewill he's taking the Jesus route.

Now to explain that: Picture the universe in an All Out War. Every species fighting one another to the bloody end with 0 regard for lives but their own.

1 million species all putting themselves through 1 million years in the hardest possible timeline that a mind can produce.

Ultra is intending to simulate all of it then when every alien has had the fun of this he's gonna stack every single transformation into a single simulation of a universe with every species having a single goal. Kill the Celestialsapiens.

Dial the Evolution Feature to the highest it can go (I'm gonna say 10,000 eons just because) then run Alien-X through it...

Now he will use the Evolution Feature on Alien-X before don't get it twisted.

But I think the best senario is the simulation is used by Ben to go through the backlog of Bellicus and Serena's arguments. And I'd say it would take multiple trips through the Simulation to actually complete the list but the end goal is the same.

Gain Ultimate X, load up the simulation and then treat it like a game of Stellaris where your up against 1 million war crazed species all wanting to kill you specifically and the end goal is to achieve peace between that entire universe.

I'm calling the transformation that results from this: X-Ample. It's powers are basically the same as Alien-X but in addition Ben will be existing as every alien at once. Being born as children on those worlds with the same drive to greatness becoming a best example of their species.

Bringing the true potential of the universe and all who inhabit it. Brokering peace that even I call impossible.

And it isn't just 1 of a species it's 1 of every subspecies.

Each one a fragment of X-Ample with the same goal.

Anyway this sure isn't happening by the time this story ends but this is just to wrap my head around my path for this.

I've played ALOT of Stellaris as in: 6503 hours worth of it. And I'm about a 6 out of 10 when it comes to Warhammer Lore as well as Halo.

Anyway wanted to type this. Might delete this chapter.

I'm working on this and Ultimate Omniverse but writers block is a bitch.

Story Not abandoned.

Remember be good to yourselves...and others.

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