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December 22ed some Desert

The trip there was short.

Ben having told Max the truth about this place and his previous times here had brought Magister Tennyson and Xylene.

"So this 'Charmcaster' isn't just luring us into a trap?" Xylene asked.

"Nay, the Witch speaks true of the Tyrent." Sir George said in his unarmored form with the sword sheathed.

"I can personally vouch for being there last time Ben was." Sugalite said, shifted into his humanoid form "Addwaitya is very real, very dangerous and very much an issue that requires intervention."

"Should I even be surprised you resurrected Sugalite just to bring him on this mission?" Gwen asked.

"To be fair Ben was planning on waiting to create your Crystalsapian form BEFORE going in there." Trixie said.

"Which we should." Omni commented.

"How did you even get the Forever Knights on your side?" Gwen asked.

"I'd like to know that information as well Benjamin." Max said.

"Sir Ben has shown me his memory's of fighting with me against Dagon." Sir George said "After my death he had finished the job as well as drained Dagons power from the one called Vilgax. This man has earned the favor of my Knights."

"And I'll be helping out with Dagon in this world too." Ben said "Permanently."

"Wanna explain THAT?" Xylene asked.

"Dagon is a multidimensional creature." Ben started,

"There isn't, A Dagon in every realm, there's 1 Dagon...with his reach in all worlds." George said "Tho slain in Sir Ben's realm he remains living in ours."

"We intend to deal with that." Ben said.

The Rustbucket had gotten quiet till Albeta asked "So Sir George, that is Ascalon correct?"

"Yes, the Sword of Azmuth was given to me centuries ago to push back The Dagon." Sir George said.

"That blade is said to be one of the greatest magical weapons in the universe." Charmcaster said.

"Do not be mistaken," George said "The sword is powerful yes but the actual magic is done by myself, not the sword."

"That blade is said to control the fundamental forces of the universe." Charmcaster said dead faced.

"Yes and it does this by matching the frequency of the energy of things around it." Ben said "Yes magic does the same thing only that is limit, a talented magic user could replicate the effects to a far better degree."

"You said Ben has used the sword before." Gwen said.

"Once." Ben said, looking out the window "I had Dagons power absorbed into it...I held the power over the universe, the whole thing was at my fingertips..."

"Ben had the power of a Celestialsapien with none of the drawback or restrictions." Omni said "He could have done...literally anything with it."

"And what did you do?" Sugalite asked.

"I gave the power to the universe, and all the freedom it came with." Ben said.

"And what would you do if you held it again?" Sir George asked.

"The same thing." Ben said, "But there is something I would do with it if I could."

"And that is?" Charmcaster asked.

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