Email 3

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From: gracpeirson
To: Dahlia


Subject: my routine

As you know, I love creating and follow my routine and after 21 days of living here, I am happen to announce I have created the perfect routine to fit into my day. Obviously this will all change when I get a job, I have been searching online and have signed up for a few interviews. Three of them are to be a ceramic artist where I get to share my ideas with the company, they provide the employees with expeditions I can be enrolled to which is very exciting. The other is to take small classes of a maximum of 6 people, I would teach them how to sculpt and use the wheel. Just beginner stuff really.
Enough about the jobs, onto the routine:

1) Wake up at 8 every day, get out of bed the right way! (the left side)

2) Cook breakfast

3) Eat outside if the weather is nice, if not, then I sit on the left bar stool to the counter

4) Get changes

5) Brush teeth with Colgate toothpaste

6) 1 hour minimum walk

7) A two hour period where I go into town to get food/any supplies I need

8) Dedicate 2 hours to my project each day

In the evenings I usually do whatever, watch TV, read a book, clean the house etc. I usually cook dinner or get takeaway, the takeaway options are limited. I either order the food, THEN drive to town or I get it to come here. I have less options when they deliver it here because I am so far into the country. The only options I have is from the local bakery or Dominos.

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