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The next morning the trio were exhausted. Scott had no sleep from staying up at Allison's. Maya had to call him and remind him to come home and get ready. When he arrived, he realized Stiles and Maya had no sleep as well. He teased them at first about how suspicious it looked, but he dropped it knowing they were both tired from studying and the constant feeling of being under threat.

Needless to say, the three of them at school the next day were not doing too well. Maya fell asleep in first period. And third, and fourth. She was currently walking like a zombie to her locker. She began putting her stuff in it when she saw the School Winter Formal Flyer on the wall. She picked it off and stared at it. Luckily she managed to stay up for her makeup chemistry exam and Harris quickly graded it. She passed with an A and was no longer at risk of not going to the dance. Now she just needed a date. It's not like she needed Stiles to ask her, hell she should ask him, but would that complicate things further? Would that insinuate something she didn't want it to?

But a part of her couldn't stop thinking about how she just wanted to be a normal girl. Get all cute and dolled up, Have her date pick her up, compliment her, and take her out for an amazing night. And she couldn't imagine that person being anyone else than Stiles Stilinski. Suddenly a voice came up from behind her, voicing her thoughts.

"Stilinski didn't ask you?"

She turned her head and smiled when she saw a head full of dirty blonde curls. Isaac Lahey. Isaac had become a good friend over the last month or so. He's saved her ass from failing chemistry and was always there to talk when she needed to talk. She tried to do the same for him, but he was very closed off and didn't talk much about anything outside of school. Maya could tell he was hiding something. He was scared most of the time and easily startled. She knew he'd never talk about it, and she'd never force him. But she wishes one day he would trust her enough too.

"How'd you know?"

"You have that same look you had when you fled from chemistry." He pointed out and then leaned against the lockers to look at her more clearly. "I don't get it. I know you guys made up and there's a rumor that you made out."

He wiggled his eyes suggestively. She cracked a smile and gently pushed him playfully away from her.

"Come on, you obviously like him. He likes you." He eyed her. "So what's stopping you two?"

"My life is... complicated."

"Well, this one thing doesn't have to be. Why don't you ask him?" He pressed further.

"What is with you?" She laughed. "Are you going to make T-shirts 'Team Miles? Is that what you want?"

She threw her head back laughing at her own joke to which she only received an annoyed glare from the dirty blonde teen.

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