Wolf Hunter

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******Wolf Hunter ******

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Wolf Hunter

       The trio did not have a good weekend. Maya has been plagued with nightmares, Scott's trying to figure out how he's going to control the animal side and trying to find a good excuse for Allison. Stiles is doing his best to save his two best friends.

        Maya has been researching with Stiles all weekend about her abilities and how to control her  hallucinations and emotions, but they haven't found anything out. There's so many myths and different interpretations in different cultures. They didn't know where to start.

       School on Monday was particular difficult.

       Well, really only for Scott. He has to apologize for completely blowing Allison off. He walked up to Allison getting ready to apologize. Maya tried to listen in, but Stiles dragged her away.

      "Hey, I wanted to listen." Maya whined, but the boy ignored her pulling her to the school.

      "You wanted to snoop." Stiles corrected.

      "Potato, potato," Maya blew it off.

      "Are you coming over for Movie Night?" Stiles wondered with a goofy smile.

      "By movie night, you mean you watching Star Wars and me pretending to understand it." Maya laughed.

      "I told you, it'll make sense once we watch ALL of them." He insisted.

       "Well, as much as I want too, I have work." She pouted.

       "When do you get off?" Stiles shrugged.

       "Nine..." she eyes him suspiciously.

       "Perfect, you can come over after." He had a huge grin on his face.

       She stopped walking and turned to face him. All weekend, he's refused to leave her side. During the day, they did research and at night they watched movies. Now, Maya loves spending time with Stiles, but this wasn't about them hanging out. It was about much more.

       "Stiles, I'm fine." She smiled with fake confidence.

       Stiles sighed avoiding looking at her eyes. She grabbed his hands and shifted her head around to force him to look at her. She felt electricity flow through her body at their touch. She felt love and worry erupting within her soul.

      But she chose to ignore it.

      "The world will not implode. I won't have a meltdown or lose control without you around, Stiles." She spoke

       "It's just we have no answers about your abilities, yet. And—" he sighed staring at her eyes. "And I worry about you."

      She smiled. Softly. Warmly. A warm feeling erupting in her. She looked down and pushed her hair out of her eyes. He had a way of making her feel adored, loved. He made her feel safe and secure. Like she always had him nothing bad would happen.

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