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"Please stop her," I literally begged Adrian.

"Fine, I want something in return then."

I stared with exhaustion at him. He is surely taking revenge on me. I intermittently glanced at Ali who was making her way into the security room and Adrian. For now, I want to stop her. If she will know that it's me and Adrian in the restroom. She will declare to everyone that we are engaged and soon gonna get wed. "Okay!" I voiced.

"Kiddo!" That halted Ali's movement. He walked to her and explained, "It's better we avoid it. It's Mr. and Mrs. Thompson's party, I don't think, it will be fair to create a nuisance at another's party and ruin their enjoyment."

"Huh!" she sighed and quirked her mouth. "Fine!"

I sighed too and smiled at him.

We moved to the dining hall to have dinner.

Even though she didn't stop cursing those couple. "You know they should keep a tag outside of the powder rooms that this place is to pee and poo not to fuck! Well, men are men but why women are acting so...so..."

"...disgusting, you mean kiddo," Adrian added, helping her.

"Aliyah! Stop. Okay, that innocent female..."

"Innocent will not fit in this context, Jaz. I even pleaded but they were busy in their lovemaking business."

The way Adrian gazed at me at that sentence of hers, it was not manageable for my food pipe to pass the minced pasta. He kept me pinned with his gaze across the table throughout our dinner. This was a terrific idea to sit with him at the same table and even opposite him. His eyes never left mine even when he poke a fork in the Russian salad and transferred it into his mouth. Slow and steadily just watching him turned me hyperventilating. My breath hitched when his tongue swirled around his lips to lick away the sauce. The same lips which stayed for more than five minutes on mine.

And I started feeling hot all over again. Like I was having a hot bath in a steam room. I didn't even apprehend that my hands started shaking until Andy notified me. "Jazmine, your hands are shaking." I saw my hands and turned them into fists.

"I am done. I will be waiting for you people in the lounge."

"Hey, you didn't have the dessert, yet," Christ reminded me.

I platted a cup full of baked Alaska and walked away from there.

What is wrong with Adrian, tonight?

"Miss Garcia." Again the man to whom Adrian warned not to speak approached me. "How come you are alone, I mean your boss is not around you."

"My boss is not my guard, Mr. Dalton, to stay 24*7 with me."

"Of course, well I would like to know: Do you have any plans to change your company in the future?"

I thought for a moment and then replied, "No! Not until my internship."

"What if you get an excellent offer, for example, to work as a junior architect in a company with a pay of 15% more than what you earn."

"Actually, I don't think I am quite eligible for a Junior Architect job."

"Trust me, Miss Garcia, after I saw your design, I couldn't stop but offer you a job in my company! And all I need is your confirmation."

"I...I am already doing a job."

"It's an internship, Miss Garcia. In my company, you will be doing the job of junior Architect."


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