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It was a stupid decision to sleep on the floor instead of my bed. And welcome an unwelcoming annoying neck sprain. On top of that, the pain of breaking up is strongly squeezing my heart.

If you really want to join that company, we will not be dating anymore.

I lost interest in working in Dalton Industries. But I have to stay away from Adrian. So, the first thing I did this morning was to type the letter of resignation. To take a print, I went to the print shop which was near to morning cafe. I grabbed a coffee from the cafe and a sandwich to go. I had it while I walked to the bus stop.

It felt so nice to stroll along the streets that very morning. The weather was amazing in summer. Trees shadowed my path with their leaves. Plants swayed happily with flowers. It enlightened my mood and reduced my stress. I even encouraged myself that I would get over this pain. But I have to digest the truth that Adrian is never gonna forgive me for this. And neither will I forgive him for acting aggressively with me.  

I avoided riding in my scooter that day because of my neck sprain. To reduce the pain, I applied an antispasmodic ointment along the curve of my right neck side when I sat on the bus. 

Andy: Interns meeting at nine in the conference hall. 

Great! I have to face Adrian Martinez.

But it didn't have to. Instead of Adrian, it was Andy who explained to us about the new project. Except for Aliyah and Duke, Christ and I were the only ones to attend the meeting. Aliyah arrived at thirty past nine when Andy was going through the project details on the slide.

"The New York project is quite huge, Mr. Martinez has great hope for you all, so work hard and..."

"Excuse me..." Aliyah interrupted stepping inside the room in a hurry. But the moment her eyes fell on Andy she looked dead in shock. Even Andy stared at her with the same look. They both stared at each other. 

Yet Andy was first to turn his head away, addressing her, "You are late Miss Martinez! And you missed the meeting too."

"I am sorry! Actually–"

"That's all!" He cut her off, resuming the meeting. "Just keep working on your designs and any doubts you can approach me."

And he walked but Aliyah was still staring at the place Andy stood a few minutes ago.

"Girls, I am going to the cafe to buy myself a coffee. Either of you can join me if you want?" Christ asked politely.

I raised my half-filled takeaway coffee cup. 


"Not interested!" she replied which hurt him a little. After he felt we both were left alone in the conference hall. "What the hell is wrong with that spets man?"

"He just asked you for coffee Ali."

"I am not speaking about Christ. I am speaking about that stupid stout assistant of my brother."


"He cut me off, Jazmine. To Aliyah Martinez. If he thinks so high of himself, I don't wanna give a shit to him."

"Did something happen?"

"A mistake. It shouldn't have happened. I should have controlled myself. I thought he was a soft guy but he proved to be like other males."

"Ali, I am not a reader of your books to wait patiently for your cliffhanger. So cut it short and clear the suspense."

For once she glanced at the door before resuming, "Last night he took me to my room, made me sleep on my bed then he took out my sandals and..." I huffed. She is stressing my brain by overdosing my curiosity. "Jaz, I am just sharing this because it was so adorable. I always write this in my books but never experienced it personally. When I did last night, I happened to believe that fairy tales do exist at some point in our lives. I felt like I met a real man. Whom I was finding for all these years."

Jazmine: CEO's TemptationWhere stories live. Discover now