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Carter didn't leave my hand, even after we reached the hall. Neither did his consoling words in other terms cursing Andrea had compromised. "She is a bitch! Even after she is insulted by Brother, she still goes behind him. They don't hold anything, now." My mind questioned me only one thing, why didn't Adrian tell me about his past? 

"She likes to hurt people. And now her target is you. You will not be affected by her words. Jazmine," Carter swayed my hand. "Are you listening to me?" I just gave a nod to him.

Memories. He said there are memories embedded in this villa. Can it be related to her?

"Carter!" Ali strolled to us with anger and glared at him. "Stop bothering Jazmine."

"Does she have a problem with me?"

"Ali, he was showing me the villa."

"Fine. Now, you come with me Jaz!" She pulled me along with her and took me to the bar area. "Two porn star martini, please," She placed the order. After the bartender served us our drinks, Ali started, "Jaz," But she sounded hurt and I could see something was going on with her. "I don't feel good."

"Why?" Simulataneously our drinks were served. I had no interest in drinking it, so I just grabbed the cup and acted like giving company.

"Duke. His childhood friend has come to visit him that's why he didn't come to the party," Her voice came out broken, and thick. I put my glass aside and cupped her hands.

"Aren't you happy that your brother is here?"

"Of course I am. And I am happy to see you too. But the matter is, his friend is a female."

"Oh..." Why does this male have to have only female childhood friends? 

"I didn't like it. It hurt me when he said he wanted to spend time with her. Jaz, I was behind him all these years but he never took out his time to even have a cup of coffee with me. I genuinely feel that I am wasting my time by waiting for him."

I always encouraged her to wait for him but for the first time, I advised her, "Yes. I feel the same." She stared still-shocked at me.

"Are you serious?"

"Of course. Multiple men might want you in their life. There might be present even in this party, Ali." As I recalled Christ's thoughtful words, I tilted my head in search of him, but I found some other man staring at Ali from a distance. His gaze was fixed on Ali and seemed like he was feeling her pain. And he wants to come and console her. But something was stopping him. And I voiced out, "Andy..."

"Andy?" She affirmed, "Andy Lawrance, that prudish assistant of my Brother." I glanced at her and back at Andy and still his gaze was fixed at her. From when did it even start?  It's clearly revealing in his eyes that he adores Aliyah.

"Yes!" I voiced quite flabbergasted.

"You are suggesting Andy." She smiled out of the blue. "Well, he is not that bad. By the way, he looked hot tonight in a blue tuxedo. Where is he?" She turned her head to find him. And the moment their eyes met he diverted his gaze and spoke with Sophia. "Wow!" she voiced and giggled. "Look at those plump lips of his. And I think they are juicy. How will his muscular torso feel under my hands? How will they contract and relax in my touch?" 

Looks like her novels are possessing her thoughts!

"Ali! Enough of horny thoughts," I warned her. Seems like alcohol has affected eighty percent of her blood.

"Aliyah!" Carter piped in. "Mom is calling you."

"Ah! I am tired of meeting her club members!" She was irritated and while climbing down the chair, she stumbled but Carter helped her and scolded her, "The party just started and you are already tipsy."

Jazmine: CEO's TemptationWhere stories live. Discover now