{som} are you ready for it?

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but demigods weren't human.

every turn she took, there seemed to be a whispered conversation going on between groups of people, she didn't bother to find out if they were talking about her. she faced this when she got claimed.

but this time, their target seemed to be percy.

every glimpse of him they saw, they would snicker, whisper amongst themselves and point, like he was the biggest failed wonder of the world.

andromeda could see how it affected him. he lost focus. he didn't even knock her weapon out once during swordfighting. that was how she knew.

but poor tyson was still oblivious to all of the mockery going on around him. he was just glad to be with his half-brother. and although andromeda wasn't fond of him, she found that very innocent.

once, the hero was freshening up at the cooler after giving his swordfighting minimal effort. he was covered in sweat in high sun.

"you know, jackson, i can see the family resemblance." said a camper, a smirk playing on her lips.

andromeda thought he would crush his bottle with the tight grip he held on it.

"though i think your brother got the better genes." said another boy beside her.

"he's not my real brother!" percy protested. "he's more like a half-brother on the monstrous side of the family. like. . .a half-brother twice removed, or something."

"imagine a family reunion," they snickered.

"atleast he knows people would show up."

they turned to her, their smiles falling slightly.

"what did you say?"

"you heard me. atleast his father acknowledged him." she glared at the girl. "who are you parents — oh, that's right. you don't know. they didn't claim you."

the girl's face fell.

next, she turned to the boy. "when was the last time ares interacted with you. can't remember? no surprise. you were probably an accident and so was you getting claimed. your father came to him for something. isn't it ironic? he thinks someone else's kid is better for a job than his own. you ares kids are all bark and no bite."

he looked close to tears, which brought great satisfaction to andromeda.

"now scram."

"come on," the girl caught the boy's hand and lead him away.

andromeda turned to the cooler, taking out a drink.

percy watched mesmerized as she effortlessly managed to take them on. defeating them with just words. he wondered how much damage she could do to tantalus, or him if she wanted to. he mentally noted to not get on her bad side.

he suddenly remembered his first step in the hermes cabin, when he was still unclaimed.

as he entered, he fell, ofcourse, he had to embarrass himself on his first day in front of his cabin mates.

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