chapter six*

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"So let me get this straight: there is this guy, who is incredible nice and handsome, he has like the biggest crush on you and you won't even give him a chance to be friends" caught Jana up "whos love life are we gossiping about?" cut Mikky in

"Gigi's" answered Alexia "uii, someone new in our golden girls life?" Ingrid also joined the trio "no" Gigi gave Jana a death glare "well frenkie said he has it very bad for you" the German groaned

"He is 18 for god sakes and we've talked like twice" "I wanna see a picture if he is as handsome as Jana said you should give it a go. He is off age so" "fine" Gigi grabbed her phone and searched up his name on Google "don't use Google" cut Jana in "it will only show the bad pictures" Mikky grabbed Gigi's phone and quickly searched up Gavis name on Pinterest

"here you go" "wow he is cute" "could y'all stop" "wait I know that face" Gigi laughed "Of course you know him. He is Barças golden boy" "WE ARE TALKING ABOUT PABLO GAVI?" yelled the Norwegian and suddenly all eyes in the café were on the five friends.

"yes, but there is no need to yell." the German calmed her down "okay but that boy is like the nicest human being and he is good looking too. A huge upgrade from the ninja turtle" "you know what: we are going to the cinema on Friday, invite him. You know causally hanging out as friends. And I swear if you don't invite him, I will make sure frenkie does" said Mikky

"you are the worst friend ever" "let me quote my fiancé: thank me in your vows" the 3 football player found it quite funny to laugh about the Germans love life even though theirs weren't any better. "fine I will text him" Gigi opened the iMessage app but before she could send him a message the waiter approached the five girls to get their order.

After that somehow she accidentally called him and it was totally not Janas fault for pressing the call button. "If you hang up now it's gonna be extremely weird" said Alexia and Gigi just rolled her eyes. She quickly went outside to at least have silence when she would talk to Gavi.

Meanwhile Gavi not only dropped his phone but also magically didn't know how to walk anymore. He stumbled over his own feet when her contact name appeared on his display. "You good?" asked his friend Cristo as he helped him up "yeah, I just need to get that real quick" he also went outside to answer her call. "Hey Georgia is everything okay?" His English had a heavy Spanish accent.

"No everything is fine" the German answered in spanish knowing that it would be way easier "okay, is there something else? Not that I don't like you calling me but I am hanging out with my friends" "oh sorry, I actually wanted to text you" butterflies filled his belly, she wanted to text him

"some of our sadly mutual friends are going to the cinema on Friday and I am suppose to invite you" "what are we watching?" "The new movie with Dylan Sprouse I think it's called beautiful disaster" "okay and who is coming?" "Mikky, Frenkie, Jana, Sira and Ferran, you can bring Pedri if you want" she only said that so it wouldn't be awkward "okay, just text us the time and which cinema" "I will, see you on Friday" "can't wait, carina"

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