chapter eight*

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gigihavertz posted on her story

"Watching it in Spanish just hits different" said Gigi as you can guess they didn't watch Beautiful disaster, instead the group ended up watching James Bond: skyfall

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"Watching it in Spanish just hits different" said Gigi as you can guess they didn't watch Beautiful disaster, instead the group ended up watching James Bond: skyfall. The cinema was doing a James Bond movie week, everyday they showed different Bond movie

"I still don't get the hype around James Bond" said Gavi "ey yo he is like the coolest spy ever. Imagine being as bad ass as him and he also pulls" Jana smiled at her best friend "you don't need to be a MI6 agent to pull girls" stated Gavi "I never said that" Gigi rolled with her eyes

"we are going for dinner, wanna come?" Sira ended their discussion "nah, I am good, we have a game tomorrow" "Jana? Gavi?" asked Pedri "I am in, i don't want to cook" "nah, I also wanna go home" "okay, but I am staying so I can't drive you" "okay, I will be alright, see you tomorrow" they said their goodbyes before everyone beside Gigi and Gavi left.

"So do you need a ride home?" asked Gigi "that would be great" "okay, then let's go" they two made their way to her car, a green blue Aston Martin SUV.

"Your love for James Bond really shows" "nah I just love that car. It was a present from Kai" they got in the car and Gigi started driving after he gave her his address

"you alright?" Gavi was completely zoned out "oh, yeah, just a lot on my mind" "Is it you contract? I heard there were complications" he nodded "yeah, apparently my contract doesn't work. It's really complicated. I have to go back to my youth contract. You know back to the 30, less salary and everything" said the 18 year old

"stop complaining with your youth contract you probably still make 10 times more than me" answered Gigi "wait what?" "Believe it or not, my brother gets 60 times more money than I and I've won a Ballon d'or. Mason makes more in 2 weeks than I make in a year if we are only counting football and not our sponsors" "that's crazy"
"yeah" she sighed and they fell back into silence.

After a while Gigi decided to turn on the radio and 'All of the girls you've loved before' by Taylor Swift stared playing. "We should be friends, someone needs to teach you how to love James Bond" she would not only teach him how to love James Bond, but also how to love himself, her, life and football in many different ways. "Okay, let's be friends"

As they drove through the streets, the city lights flickered around them, creating an ambiance that seemed almost magical. Gigi's mind drifted back to their conversation, and she couldn't help but ponder the unexpected connection that was forming between them. It was more than just a shared love for football or a mutual admiration; there was a sense of comfort and ease in each other's presence that felt remarkably natural.

Gavi, too, was lost in thought. He found himself intrigued by the layers beneath Gigi's confident exterior. She was more than just a celebrated athlete; she was someone who understood the complexities of the game, the challenges of fame, and the aspirations that fueled their dreams. Her revelation about the financial disparities between them had caught him off guard, serving as a reminder that life's trajectories were far from predictable.

The silence between them was neither awkward nor uncomfortable. It was a silence filled with unspoken possibilities and the excitement of what lay ahead. Gigi finally spoke, her voice breaking through the stillness. "You know, I've always believed that friendships can be as transformative as any relationship," she said, her gaze fixed on the road.

Gavi nodded, absorbing her words. "Absolutely. The people we choose to surround ourselves with can shape our outlook, our goals, and even our identity," he replied, his tone thoughtful. "And sometimes, those connections happen when you least expect them," he added, his gaze drifting toward her.

Gigi smiled at his observation. "You're right. Life has its own way of weaving our stories together, even when we're not actively seeking it," she mused, her grip on the steering wheel steady and sure.

The rest of the drive continued in comfortable companionship. The song on the radio changed, but the atmosphere they had cultivated remained unchanged. As Gigi pulled up to Gavi's destination, she brought the car to a stop. They sat there for a moment, both reluctant to let go of the camaraderie they had discovered.

Gavi turned to Gigi, a sincere expression on his face. "Thanks for the ride and the unexpected conversation," he said, his voice warm with gratitude.

Gigi chuckled softly. "Anytime, Gavi. And who knows, maybe next time we'll actually watch 'Beautiful Disaster' as planned," she teased, a playful glint in her eyes.

Gavi grinned, the anticipation evident in his gaze. "Looking forward to it," he replied with a nod. With a final exchanged smile, he stepped out of the car, the night's cool air wrapping around him. As he closed the car door, he watched Gigi drive away, a sense of anticipation and newfound camaraderie filling his heart.

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