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Tw: mention of suicide, death, blood, child abuse, abuse, swearing,...
Btw this .........means change of pov and this______time skip

Mori...has an 'interesting' character to say the least. Even tho he has this 'interesting' character no one dares to disobey him. Why? That is a question only fools would think about. Who in their right mind would even think of disobeying their boss, especially in the mafia.

Well...even if you can't directly disobey, you can do a lot of other things to piss him off without getting yourself killed. For example..

"Dazai, I heard that you blew up a few of the cars I just bought." Mori was looking the boy straight in the eyes. "Me? Blow up something, especially something you just bought?" Of course he did. "No way I could ever do that to you Mori-San."he said with confidence. Mori just looked at him with a sight and gave up.


"Anyways" he looked at me again, with that disgusting look in his eyes. Probably some new mission or something. So annoying.

"I have a new mission for you, Dazai-kun" Ugh, why does he have to say it like that. "As you know, Chūya Nakahara and Kōyō Ozaki aren't here at the moment." What's with that start? "So?" "Originally I was about give this mission to them, but, as you already know, you are my most loyal and favorite subordinate" he smiled at the end of the sentence. "Also they had to leave for other important matters."
Well fuck me. Is it politics? But why would he need Chūya there? Then does it have to do with strength or combat abilities?

"Well" he handed me a file. A thick one at that. I opened it and flipped through it to at least gat the grasp of it."......" "Do you have any questions?" Is he kidding me? I knew he was crazy and obsessed with power but this is-"a bit too risky" I said the last part out loud.

"Mori-San. Are you certain about these?" I was a bit taken a back by his smirk, also disgusting. "Of course I am. Flip over to page 21." I did as he said and was almost speechless. Not by the fact that outsiders were about to come here, just by the fact that the boss of the mafia is so dumb. How can he let outsiders in with almost no conditions? Has his greed really clouded his mind this much?

"I called you here to look over it and give me your honest thoughts on it."

I read through them a bit more and then looked him dead in the eyes. "Did you send this out already?" "Not yet, as it is incomplete, I want you to look at it and complete it" he smiled yet again. "As you told me to give you my honest opinion...This..is really bad. Not only do you need to add a lot more conditions but also a lot more information. These are the people that have never stepped a foot inside the barrier, they don't know a thing about the rules and believes in Yokohama."

"Hm, that is true. I'll leave it to you then but Dazai-kun...You don't have to mention that we're the port Mafia And that we don't have heroes here. " The boss said as he stood up. "Bring it to me by tomorrow evening, I'll look over it and send it the same day." He opened the door for me and gave me a 'do a good job, this is important' look.

That son of a bitch- Can't do shit without me, he really should hire someone to deal with all that paper work, am already full of his crap.

As soon as I left, I got back to my shipping container, sat down and started to work. It took a great amount of effort since there were too many loop holes in it. I, as always, managed to complete the task with zero mistakes and handed it to him by 6pm the next day.

"Great job as always, Dazai-kun" Mori announced as he stopped flipping through it. "Alright I will send it out, read this while I am gone. It says what your role in this all is" and then he left. I stayed in the room, looking at the file. Should I? I have nothing else to do anyways.

'Dazai Osamu-party A, UA-party B
As the organization guaranties safety to party B, they are oblige to follow instructions from party A and rules stated at the end of the contract. Party A is to take on the role of a guide and protector of students and teachers of UA during their 2 week stay in Yokohama. Party A will not be allowed to kill or seriously harm party B. Those who ignore the rules will be given warnings, those who ignore warnings will be send back or punished depending on the seriousness of the issue. Rules:
1.Do not stand out, wear simple(no bright colors&unnecessary sparkles) clothing for spring/summer season.
2.Be on time,maximum 10min late.(meals, free-time, study program)
3. Electronics are prohibited.(phones, laptops, cameras)
4.No going out past 10:30pm.
5.No going to restricted areas.
6.Do NOT demand information from civilians, party A.(May answer questions on their own will)
7.Usage of quirks is prohibited.
8.Fighting, violence(unless being attacked) towards citizens of Yokohama is prohibited.'

Well that's gonna be annoying, babysitting a bunch of naive wannabes and looking out for adults. Plus being a protector? Am I supposed to be with them all the time? Ugh. "But.." No serious injuries, that means I can still keep them in check if needed.

A few days later in UA.


This is weird. Principal Nezu doesn't call all of the teachers unless it's something urgent. Sigh. I can't what this is about but it's probably nothing good. I knock on the door and go inside after a faint "come in!". Looking around I see almost all of the other teachers present. "Come on, take a seat."

"Alright..." this is bad. I can feel it already.

After a few minutes of silence "I am here!" All might comes in together with Midnight. "Alright. Now that everyone is here, we can start" Nezu calls everyone around him and drops a file on the desk. We read the 1st sentence which makes everyone already confused. "School trip to Yokohama?" Al might questioned. What's that supposed to mean? We know close to nothing about that city.

"That's right. An organization from Yokohama has send us an invitation in a form of a school trip." Nezu said a bit too happily..
"That's too suspicious. We should decline it." "Aizawa, I also think that it feels fishy but we didn't even get to see the terms yet." Midnight responded with worry and suspicion in her eyes.
"Correct! You should all look at it." Nezu looked through his drawer and handed everyone a copy. "I would like you all to look at it later when you have time, sign it and hand it to me" "Wait, sign? Not discuss?" All of us looked shocked as All might pointed it out.

"Yes, we must accept, this is too big opportunity to miss out." "Principal Nezu, they are jus-" even if they are kids." Nezu cut me off. "I know that you don't like putting kids through risks, and that you're probably angry." Probably angry? I am furious .
The kids just got back from the training camp. We retrieved Bakugou just 6 days ago. This is madness!

"Nezu." I looked at him, still smiling. "Don't look at me like that Aizawa, We were offered to take one class and 3 heroes..although they have to be teachers" we listened as he explained. I knew what he was going to say, so I said it for him. "So you want so send my class with me and 2 other teachers right?"

The principal looked a bit suprised. "Exactly. I was thinking of sending Toshiro Yagi(All might), Nemuri Kayama(Midnight)or Hizashi Yamada(Present Mic). Also since quirks aren't allowed there...I would like you to warn the student well." "They aren't?! How can we protect the students if that's the case!"
"Just read through it and you'll know. Now please go back to classes and inform them about this after you read it."


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