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Dang it. I knew all of this was going too smoothly.
I need to hurry up and find them.

There's about 80% probability that he won't be there yet, since when I was about to give him the soup, he sounded asleep. Maybe he'll sleep a bit in?? He is known for making people wait but you never know.

"Hey, Anthonyyy~!"


"Yes? I'm quite busy right now."

"Ya? Sorry then."

"It's alright. Did you need anything?" Hurry up. "Welll would you mind changing a shift with me?"
What. Am about to maybe be kicked out or worse and you wanna change shifts??

"We'll talk about it later, did you see the new guests anywhere?"

"The weird looking group?? They seemed to be looking around the lobby when I saw them 4 minutes ago."
"Ok, thx. I need to go now. See you later." Lobby, the lobby is few corners awayyyyy.

Anthony, the laziest and fakest employee in the hotel then hurried to the lobby.

Almost out of breath he reached it in (his) record time of 2 minutes!
Why his record you mind ask? 'Cause others can get normally there in 30 seconds...

Well he got there and that's all that matters. As he got there he saw a few of the students going somewhere.

"Excuse me!" The black head ran to them. On the outside he looked fresh and unbothered but he was tired and panicking on the inside.

"Oh? Aren't you the employee that showed us around yesterday?" A pink head asked.

In his opinion, all of the outsiders were weird. So energetic, unbothered and illusional? He didn't mind them since they were the ones that made his salary. But he didn't like them especially their pity and talk about heroes.

Anthony didn't hear them say the word 'pity' but that something you can see on their expression. Why are they so bad at hiding their expressions? Aren't they supposed to be strong heroes?

"Yes, I am. Are you headed to the basement?"

The rest of the class stopped and turned to him.
"We are and in a hurry. What do you need?" One of the teachers answered.

"I realized I didn't tell you how to get there."

"It's fine we asked how to get there and they told us it's around here. We'll just look at the door that leads down."

"Umm..that's the problem to get to the basement you'll have to go a bit more illogical way, please follow me."
The employee then hurries to the opposite door. He opens it and it leads upstairs.

"Hey, we don't have time for your fucking plays! We need to be on time!" And the one that screamed was no other than Bakugou.

"It's not a play, we needed more complex way to get there since one side we have some other stuff there." He started to go up. "With this please remember to keep it a secret." He gave a small smile as he headed upstairs.

"Alright, let's go class." All might announced and they all followed.

The way was quite complicated. Up, left, left, right, down, right, down. The outsiders almost lost Anth (short for Anthony) for a while.

They hurried and got to the basement at 8:03. Which was not a good first impression but it was acceptable.

Fortunately Dazai wasn't there yet.

"Ugh.. my head's ringing, it was worth it tho." Dazai lazily got up and walked to the closet. Opened it and found nothing. Then he went to out of the room to find around 7 unpacked boxes.

"Well this is annoying." He put the boxes in a row and opened them with a pocketknife, he always has something sharp on him.

3 boxes were full of bandages, 2 of clothes, 1 with his personal stuff and the last one was work, it had a note on it.

'My dearest subordinate, I hope you didn't think of this as a vacation from work.^^
To this box I added some pills for headaches. I had them customized so that you can't overdose. You should take 2 at a time, maximally 3 times a day..Also they are mint flavor.
I heard that you wanted to use the elevator, so you have my permission.
Hope you enjoy your stay there!❤️❤️❤️
-your only Mori'

'Are those stickers?' Dazai frowned. 'Ahg...Disgusting. Where did he even get those?? And more work? Hahhhhh I wanted to laze around more.' He sighed

He took a few bandages and a set of his formal attire and went to change to the bathroom. On the way he noticed the soup he asked for earlier. His headache was killing him so he took 2 or 3 pills (he just ploped some on his hand) and sat down to eat the soup.

After eating and changing he went through the box full of work and pulled out some papers named 'Outsiders program', some files and a pen. It was quite a lot. About 4 files and 45 papers? As he was leaving he looked at the clock hanged on the wall, it said 8:17.
And the only thing he could think about was-

'Dang..wish I could hang like that..' he just stood there, staring at it.

'Should I try it later? It's worth a shot.' He smirked to himself and went inside the elevator.

"Oh yeah, wasn't I supposed to talk to the brats?" 'Well am not hungry anyways. Mind as well go' the elevator stopped  and as he was exiting he thought about another thing.

'What time was I supposed to meet them? Was it like 8:15 or 8:10, no was it 8:00? Eh. Who cares.'
The others were chatting when they heard a door open and saw a bandaged brunette come in with a tired look.
He went in and saw a big table. The students sat around it and the teachers were on a side next to an open chair in the front. There was an employee that stood next to the open chair and pulled it back when he saw Dazai.

He sat down and placed the papers and some files down in front of him.

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