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The bus was quite from the start but them everyone started questioning the driver.
I didn't expect them to be so quite. Maybe this won't be so bad after Al- "Hello there, mister."
Fuck me, I just had to jinx it!
"Yes? Hello to you too." "Would you mind answering a few of our questions?" Hahhhhh. "Depends on the question, some information is prohibited and some will be answered by your guide."

"Okay. Could you tell me your name?" "I could not. Please refer to me as 'mister or mister driver'." There's no way I'm letting these people know my name. They could use it against me some other time.

"Alright something else. What can you tell me about Yokohama?" "For starters, the city has it's government which is quite a lot influenced by the organization that allowed this trip. The city is also a bit older looking and  most of the people do not have powers." "Powers?"
Haaa this homeless looking guy is starting to be annoying. "Yes, your guide will probably tell you more about them. Also we have quite a small number of crimes."
"Hmm what about the Pro heroes there?" "I'm sorry what?"
Heroes what's this guy playing at?? Is this really what outsiders are about? "We..don't have any heroes nor villains. We think of this concept of white&black as stupid and simple-minded."...

Why is it so quiet all of a sudden? "WHAAATTTT!!??!?" "Huh?"
Did I say something wrong?

"Why would you think of something like this as stupid!? No, how even could you!?!" I heard a few students chatting as others were yelling out.

Omg. With this attitude they're going to get killed. I hope the boss(referring to Dazai) won't kill them......No. It would be better if such people were to die actually.

Do I really have to wait for them?
It was such a pain to inform and make agreements with the other organizations.. Especially ADA. Ugh.
I'd rather go have a drink since there won't be much time for us to be separated.

Hmm, I'll make it work someho tho.


"......" Late. They're late.
"Yeah I'm not waiting for them. It's been 20 minutes." Dazai whispers as he heads to Lupin. On the way he gives a call to the driver that was supposed to get the heroes to Yokohama.

"Yes Boss?"
"Where are you right now?"
"We...are still on the way."
"Oh, my apologies! We are 10 minutes away from the border."
"And why is that?"
"Um" he seemed very nervous, if I was someone else I would maybe even pity him. He's more than 10 minutes late for his appointment with his Superior and from Mafia at that. "W-we had to stop to sort things out." He stuttered, probably scared for his life.
"Why." It didn't even sound like question, more like an order.
"They were asking about the hero society over here...and I told them that we have none..sir!.."
"Well, I'll talk to you about it later. Get them here quickly."
"Yes, Boss!"

I'll deal with him later, now I'm going for a drink.

'I'm fucked' was the only think the poor driver had on his mind as Dazai hung up.
"Did you just talk with your superior? You look a bit pale."

Man just shut the fuck up, you're the reason for that!
"Yes, I did. And I also got in trouble for being late.." At that Midnight stood up. "We are sorry, it was just a big shock for us."

"How..did your superior react..?"
"Bad." I sighed. "He's normally not mad but he dislikes people who are late or ignore him."
"Oh" the supposed teachers sighed. "So that's why the instructions mentioned not being late.."

"Probably. He hates that but surprisingly he's late quite often." Haha..He'll kill me right? We'll be there in 25 minutes..maybe in 20 if I speed up..
"Alright students and teachers. We don't want to keep the boss waiting, so I'll have to speed up a bit."
Response was only a weak "Okay." "Oh, and sleep well."
"What do you mean? We're not sleepy at all."


At that a light smoke started coming out of the vents. The teachers and a few students noticed.

"What's happening!?" "Are you a villain?!?!"
"Please refrain from using your quirks. This is just a safety measurement so that you don't know the entrance to Yokohama. Just sit down and sleep."

After he said that only a few of them managed to stay awake but felt drowsy. A bit later, after some screaming, all of them except the driver who was behind a glass fell asleep.


After another 15 minutes and a shot of whiskey, Mori called Dazai asking about the students.

"I don't have them. They're late. I waited for them for 20 minutes."
"So you're not waiting for them anymore?"
"...I went away to get a drink."
"Alright since they made you wait I'll tolerate it. But head back now."
"Yes." Annoying bastard.


"Everyone wake up!"
About half of the students groaned in response.

"We'll be there in about 5 minutes." Aizawas eyes quickly opened and started adjusting to the light.
"IS EVERYONE ALL RIGHT?!" He looked around counting his students. A few seconds later All might and about 6 students woke up. "What did you do to us?!"

"I told you. It was so that you couldn't see the entrance to the barrier."
"You could've told us to not look or at least inform us of the gas!"
"Do you honestly want be to believe that you would've willingly inhaled sleeping gas??"
"Well-"Before Aizawa could defend himself , he got cut off. "We're here."

The bus came to a stop. All of the people inside the bus were now awake. "Please pack your stuff and exit the bus. I'll help you with your bags later." The driver exited 1st in a hurry.
"Okay, everyone take your stuff and look carefully so you don't forget anything." Midnight said as she went to help some students that appeared to be struggling.

Aizawa went out first thinking about scanning the surrounding. He felt a slight feeling of relief when his feet touched the ground. Then he looked around seeing a few old buildings and not many people. Those he saw were quite plain looking. No bright colors, revealing clothing nor loud noises. It felt weirdly peaceful..suspiciously so.
He then went looking for the driver who seemed to be on the other side of the bus talking to someone.

He went to him and saw him talking to, what he assumed could've been a 15-17 year old brunette boy covered in bandages(?) that appeared to be around Momos height.

(From what I read Dazai was 174cm and Momo was 173cm if?)

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