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"I'm sorry, what do you mean by practical??" Nemuri asked as her and the rest of UA staff amd students looked confused.

"Exactly what I said. Practical." Dazai sighed as if it is an obvious statement.
"Do you as heroes not have any practical lessons? Like P.E. Or fighting or some hero sh-...stuff." The brunette corrected himself  as he looked through the pile of files.

"Here." He lazily threw a file in the middle of the table and a few papers flew out and scattered across the table. The heroes flinched and seemed on edge by the sudden gesture. They noticed that their guide seemed more annoyed then usual which made them more uncomfortable as well.

It was quite laughable, a bunch of hero wannabe kids and 3 adults being on edge by one stranger... and a teenager at that.

"What are you waiting for? Not gonna open it?" The brunette smirked a little as he sipped on his coffee again, leaning back in the chair.

The others still stared at the file. After a few moments, a green head took one of the papers. It was a schedule.

"So...is this our schedule?...uhh sir guide?." Izuku asked looking at the program.

Dazai sighed, he looked at the green head, annoyed. "Of course it is, can't you read?" '-It's clearly written on the top right corner... God, these people are dumb..
Dumb actions, dumb mindsets, dumb words.....' the brunette became even more irritated.

The green head That picked up the schedule slightly blushed in embarrassment as he noticed the bold fond in the right corner, clearly saying 'UA Schedule'.

"Tsk..." Is it even humanly possible to be this irritating? Not even chibi is THAT bad...


Now that I think of it... that blonde angry chihuahua guy gives off similar vibes... but it's more of a rip-off version. And he's less practical and more delusional..Meh, who cares.

"Emm... So, we'll be having our hero trainings here as well?..." Midoriya asked as he looked over the schedule. At this point the others also slightly dropped their guards and took one each.

"Well obviously, why else would we ask you to bring your hero....'costumes' with you?" Dazai rolled his eyes and then drank the rest of his coffee.

"Of course we knew of this... we just didn't expect to be training so early after arriving." All might answered, it sounded quite convincing...and it fooled the students but unfortunately for him, Dazai wasn't as naive as the rest of the teenagers.

The bandaged brunette just smirked at the obvious lie, from his perspective. But remained silent, just looking around, seeing how the people around him were so easily fooled by such simple words, and an obvious lie at that.

'Heroes in training they said?.... Tsk, I see just a bunch of ambitious naive fools..
Well, it's none of my business.' The brunette thought.

"Oh, yes... of course you knew. Only fools wouldn't notice such a thing in an invitation, right?" Dazai gave a small smile, it felt unsettling, creepy even. He was clearly provoking the teachers, as the students were too... clueless of the arts of deception and sarcasm.

The teachers just nodded, understanding the 17year olds words, aware of the provocation. They didn't respond back and kept a straight face, or at least attempted to do so.

Dazai held back a grin that tried to urge it's way onto his face. It was quite ironic, the way the supposed heroes are hardly able to control their emotions and actions. Just like bunch of amateurs just starting to work. It was ..boring, so boring that it was actually becoming funny.

"Well then...Let's start todays lesson, I'll give you some time to prepare for your training in the afternoon." The brunette said as he stood up to the whiteboard, that Anthony has already prepared by his side, and started the lesson.

The teachers still kept looking over the schedule while the students made sure to pay attention to the lesson, since they didn't want to be disrespectful once again.

"......- And so quirks are even more uncommon than abilities in here. And since hardly any people have these kinds of powers, there's less amount of crimes that normal police can't handle. That's why we have no need for heroes in Yokohama."

The brunette turned from the whiteboard, looking over the outsiders. They looked conflicted, as if they didn't want to believe what they were hearing. As if they just saw an alien, or as if all of their beliefs were just questioned.

"..That's all for the historical and political part of your studies in Yokohama..... at least for now. Any questions?"

Nobody raised their hands, just whispers and mumbles traveled around the room.

"I see that nobody has any questions, then with this I'll just add a few things and you can leave for today. Employee Anthony, get rid of the whiteboard."

As the brunette said this, the employee flinched, he wasn't aware that the executive knew and even remembered his name. But he soon covered his surprise with more professional look.

"Of course." He answered and got to cleaning the whiteboard.

"Alright, I see that you all seem a bit conflicted with todays lesson. But you better just accept the news as a fact.... Meaning you have no right to interfere with the police if not needed, same with the civilians. Of course when you have some free time you'll be able to visit shops and stuff... But do NOT act on your 'heroic' beliefs and impulses." Dazai gathered his files and gave them all a look, a cold and commanding one.

"And that wasn't a question nor a suggestion, it was a statement or an order if you will, from me as your guide."
With that he turned around and left the room, using the elevator to go up to his floor.

As Dazai arrived to his floor he threw the files into the unpacked box full of materials and work sheets.
He took of his tie and coat and slumped into the chair in the livingroom with a sigh.

Finally some peace from those little shits..

"Hm? What's that?" A letter?... ah shit, is it from that pedo-clown again?
Dazai groaned in tiredness as he saw the letter on the table before him.

He took the letter and opened it..

[Dearest Subordinate Dazai,
I hope you're aware of your task, and that you will hand in a well written report after tomorrow's 'practicals'.
As we are not really aware of the range and destructiveness of their 'quirks', I'll led you an isolated training area.. it's quite spacious and on the outskirt of Yokohama. Here's the address: **$&*#@%:,#@@ _£¥§€+$ 2/#*6.
I'm sure you know where it is. ^^

Oh and I almost forgot to mention the most important part! Silly me,
Your partner is coming back tomorrow morning, he'll be joining you from tomorrow, overseeing the fights.
Isn't that exciting to hear?
-Beloved Mori. 💝]

" ....The slug is coming back already? Well that's annoying... another loud ass to deal with.." Dazai sighed annoyingly and started to think about tomorrow.

'Well. I guess it won't be that bad to have someone I can pass the bastards to...' As the brunette thought he looked over the empty wine battles on the floor and then the few full bottles on the kitchen counter.

He smirked. "Well, I guess I'll have to work hard to make sure the gift I have for my dog is on time."

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