Chapter 4 ~The Truth...

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It takes us about five minutes to get to the hospital after the nurse puts him on a oxygen tank and put him on a stretcher and into the ambulance. Zac is still unconscious.

The principal let me go to the hospital with him since I am the only one who knew what happened and I have all A's in all classes but that was the only reasons on why he let me go which made me very happy.

We got there and they checked his blood pressure and everything was okay but the nurse couldn't figure out what happened and she asked me what happened before I noticed he had passed out I told her

"he was reading his book with this thing in his hand.I have been studing medicines and infections and diseases because I want to be a nurse when I get older or maybe a doctor and I had seen on a website a while back that the thing he had in his had is called an inhaler and the website said that to check if its empty is to look on the back if it has a zero or you shake it to see if its empty that way. I checked by the dial and it said zero so I told my mom my language arts teacher who was on the phone at that time told the secretary to get the nurse and he was looking very pale till the nurse got him breathing in the oxygen from the oxygen tank. Just let me know if he is okay when you have an answer please." I bite my lip right after I finish my sentence not knowing what the effects will be. Once I go to sit by his bed I hear him whisper something and his eyes crack open "I am sorry." I grab his hand and try to figure out what he meant by saying he was sorry. He had nothing to be sorry for,he didn't do anything wrong. After me thinking it through for about ten minutes the nurse comes in to check on Zac and he whispers in her ear if he can sit up. She nods saying yes in his ear and she helps him sit up. She finishes what she was cleaning up around his bed and leaves the room to get him a better pillow.

He clears his throat and starts to open his mouth while thinking about what he is going to say "I needed to tell you something that I have never told anyone. I can tell that you have noticed I have been acting weird lately. Well, the reason why is because i have been thinking alot and I mean alot. I have been having difficulties at my house and I was just gonna tell you on the bus but, i guess I should tell you now since we are alone. My parents are thinking of putting me in foster care they have been fighting about it for a few weeks now and I didnt understand what it was about till yesterday and they told me last night during dinner because they always make my favorite meal when they have finally made a decision or something important came up that's not good. They have decided to put me in foster care after the spring dance which is in a few weeks and since I will be leaving after I thought about asking you to go with me because I have no one else who is my friend that I would like to go with for my last day at a public school-" he stopped talking and started to cry. I gave him a hug and started to cry with him I whispered in his ear "yes I will go with you to the spring dance no matter what happens if you leave or not." I start to move away but I looked in his eyes to see his beautiful brown eyes that I never notices were so beautiful before and without thinking my lips were against his in a instance . I didn't know what to think I didn't know if i was just too happy or if it was for real I just thought of it as i was just too happy to go with him. We spread apart from each other and looked into each others eyes again and sat there in silence till the nurse came in with his new pillow and I sat back in my seat as quick as possible before she noticed what had happened.

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