chapter 6~ Zac's thoughts....

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Zac's pov: I am waiting for the nurse to finish checking up on me so I can sit outside for at least thirty minutes according to the doctor after check up I have to be back inside and checked back in in about thirty minutes.

"Okay you are free to go outside now. Make sure you have your phone just in case we need you back in and to keep up with the time and I will have the doctor to check on you in a hour. I nod and grab my phone and head outside by the hospital sign that has a pavement that I lean on and I sit down and sigh while looking up in the sky and say "why God did I do that? she probably doesn't even like me in that way . I forced her into doing it she probably didnt even want to she just froze or something I dont know but ever since then she hasnt went out if my head even though she left I dont know if she came back or not i didn't even  see her while going back maybe she took the stairs instead. I dont know. but I need to go back inside." I was starting to get hot so I went in the shade which is closer to the entrance doors to the hospital I noticed that the whole time I was thinking I was muttering the same things I was saying in my head. I finally went back inside hoping Lea  would be in the waiting room. I peek in before going to the signing room to return back to my room I see a girl with blonde hair hoping it was her but I can't remember what she was wearing to know if  it was her. I think it was her but to only know is to have her called to my room. she will be informed to go to my room from the intercom and if its okay with the doctor for her to help me  pack up and leave. She has been here ever since the incident happened which happened a week ago. It takes the nurse and the doctor a while to finally figure out what was wrong with me and inform me of what I have and to make sure i would be fully okay to go home but, Lea doesn't know so if I can get her up there to help me I can tell her then. I sign in and tell the employee that I need to talk to dr.Hitchens who is my doctor. He has been my doctor ever since I was little because this happened before but only once I was running at the time and I was three years old and I was at my grandparents house before my grandad passed away. I had sat down in a picnic area and my vision went black and next thing I knew I was in the hospital with my mom and dad holding my hands and praying that I would be okay. The same thing happened this time except my parents weren't there when I woke up so it was a little different this time but I had Lea there holding my right hand crying and her mom behind her rubbing her back. When her mom had left that's when the kiss happened. I got a nod from the employee that he would be up there soon and I went back into my room and sat in my bed waiting for him to enter " I wasnt supposed to come up here for twenty more minutes. what did you need me for zac?"he said sounding worried. " I was just wondering when I could go home." He came in and sat in the chair next to my bed that Lea had moved earlier. He had a manilla folder that had my name at the top of it and was skimming through it and humming he finally closed it and said "you may go but if you have any symptoms after I put you on this medicine let me know right after they come up and we will have you back in to see me as soon as possible." I nod and smile and ask him to call Lea in here to help me pack up. He nods and leaves the room,I get out of the bed and make it up and start packing while hearing in the intercom "Lea Richmond please enter room 248. lea richmond please enter room 248 thanks. The voice ends and I hear lea running into my room and gives me a hug making me almost fall onto the bed. I laugh and she giggles and I say "can you help me pack up and drive to your home please?"

She says "yes I sure will" and starts helping me pack up and piling it up by the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2015 ⏰

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