Chapter Six

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I watched the blood pour from the silver carafe held by Nicolas into my crystal wine glass with a deep thirst. When he finished, Nicolas bowed and stepped away from the table while I took my first sip. Sheep's blood. Not quite human, but a fine substitute. He served the others around the table, Fabian, Monique, and Jean, then made his quiet exit.

"Ditch the girl, Gabriel," said Jean.

It took all my strength not to shatter the glass in my hand. "Daring impudence, Jean."

He swigged from his cup then turned to me, his lips stained red. "I'm serious, Gabriel. She's bad news and you don't want her around."

I stood from the table and could feel the rest of the room flinch. "The matter of the girl is final, I want that understood now."

Jean rolled his eyes away from mine.

"I'll not have this disrespect in my council," I said. "Out."

Jean shook his head. "I shouldn't be punished for—"

"When I punish you, you'll know," I said, hovering over the table. I drifted over to Jean, seized him by the throat, then carried him to the door where I tossed him into the hallway. I slammed shut the door behind me.

With a deep breath, I lowered my feet to the floor and strode back to my chair. After taking my seat, I swigged deeply from the sheep's blood.

"Not excusing Jean's petulance," said Fabian, "but I ought to report a general...dissatisfaction among the coven regarding Rose Beaumont's presence on the estate."

I turned to Monique. "You already know how I feel," she said. "I only hope you won't wring my neck for repeating it."

I felt a tension behind my eyes and rubbed them. "Perhaps my reaction to Jean was hasty."

Fabian leaned over the table. "It's just something you should be made aware of. Given the history of this coven—"

I slammed my balled fist against the table to stop him. It wasn't that Fabian angered me so much as it was the recollection of my past failure. Marcel's schism remained my greatest blunder. I failed to suppress dissent and the result was catastrophic. A third left with Marcel, a branched off coven lurking New Orleans, feeding off humans like wild beasts. All because I took an iron-willed approach.

I understood Fabian's point. With a sigh, I replied, "I will see to their concerns. However, Josephine will not be sent back, it is too dangerous for her now. And anyone who speaks against that decision or treats her poorly will answer to me."

I noticed Fabian and Monique exchanging glances.

"What is it?" I inquired.

"You said Josephine," Monique informed me.

I blinked, then my eyes fell into the middle distance. "Rose," I corrected. "Rose Beaumont will not fall into Marcel's hands. Her safety is our top priority." I can't let it happen again.

"You mean stopping Marcel is our top priority," said Monique.

I threw back the last of my sheep's blood, then wiped the remnants from my lips. "The objectives are one and the same." I pushed away from the table and rose. "I must cut this meeting short as I have dinner plans with our guest."

Though she didn't, I could feel Monique's impulse to roll her eyes. Fabian's stony faced expression betrayed nothing, though I knew he harbored concerns, as well. What they didn't understand was what I saw in Rose. She possessed a great power and I sensed it would prove useful before long.

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