"I just Ride" (*˘︶˘*).。*♡

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I wake up sweatier than ever from the scorching sun burning through my roof. I get up first thing lighting a cigarette and staying in my bra and underwear for the sake of the heat. But eventually put on my overalls with nothing under it

Watching boring TV and wandering around the field to cut time before I sleep my life away for another 13 hours once I close my eyes. Today I thought it was going to be the same, me walking back and forth from the mini store 3 miles from here. Just the same old ready to for whatever comes type of style I live. 

But today, when I was sitting in the front field watching little flies and birds flying around, I hear branches breaking from the trees across my fence. I stand up getting a little scared until I see brown hair from the line of the field getting closer. As I keep staring, that brown hair belonged to a tall, bright, fit, good-looking man with dirt on his face. But before he tries to get any closer I stop him

"Who are you?"

His pov:

I've been walking in the middle of nowhere in this hot ass for hours thinking I was close to a heat stroke, scratching my feet from twigs and long grass, back and hands in pain, until I see a little trailer home behind a fence right in the center of the field.

I sigh in relief and keep moving forward until I hear a soft calm voice say "who are you?"

I look for the voice and found who it belong to, a pretty soft face young girl furrowing her eyebrows from the hot sun. She was sitting on a pool chair smoking a cigarette and looking beautiful doing so. Her short hair having little strands sticking out, and her bangs tickling her long eyelashes. The side of her boob showing, and how soft her whole body looks and her-

"I said who are you?" She says now standing up and putting out her cigarette.

"Ummmm.....who are you?" I ask still amazed by her beauty

"Um, you're on my property, so I think it's only fair that you tell me who you are first" she now crossed her arms

"I'm.. I'm Evan"

"Just Evan?"

"Evan Peters" I say slightly smiling

"Well....what do you want" she says so calmly, that you'd never know she was mad even if you tried to make her

Y/n's pov :

"Well what do you want?" Still unentertained by his presence.

"Well, I've been walking for hours looking for shelter and-

"Why do you need shelter? What happened?" You ask amazingly confused

"I-...I don't really wanna get into that. Can you please just help me out .....


"Y/n, and just be a nice person and let me stay here. I promise you, I won't be any trouble"

"Something's telling me to say no because that's not a good enough excuse in my opinion........but I guess"

He yelps in happiness from your generosity and jumps over the fence and over to you saying "thank you thank you thank you" as he follows you

When you two get back to the trailer, him right behind you, he walks in looking around and you can guess he was judging how small it was but you were the only person living in there so you didn't mind.

You'll be the first who ever did (Evan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now