Chapter 2: The Breakout

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"I love ice cream, it's like the only thing I could eat every day, you know?" I said to my sister.

"I personally prefer pizza" said Nora. She loved pizza, especially from Pizza Hut.

"Do you really think that mom is going to get better?" Nora asked worriedly.

"Don't think about that right now, let's go to the movie theater and have some fun. She'll be okay." I lied.

Shanice pov:

My sister Nora was very afraid to lose her, after my dad left us she was devastated and so was I. I distracted myself by studying and spending time with my friends but when our mom got the virus I had to take care of both of us. Mom was getting better but suddenly she had a brain stroke and we had to stay at Sofia's house, my best friend, two blocks away.

End of flashback.

Shanice's mom died because of the virus she had, she was getting better but suddenly her brain began to fail. To distract her and Nora from everything that happened, Sofia asked her mom to let them go to the school trip so that they could clear their heads but she didn't know that what would happen would make her regret making that decision.

Years went by and the group grew strong and big. They found almost 20 people dispersed around the city, women, men and some children. Gadiel had a very nice garden with some flowers that Sofia planted, next to it Ada started to grow some orange and apple trees and with it Shanice made a very nice fruit salad.

Gadiel and Timothy got back from a supply run, Ada, Sofia and Shanice gathered to check everything as usual to disinfect all the things the boys brought. Everything was fine. It was. Joshua watering the plants outside, the boys drinking some cold drinks and the girls had their own stuff too. The sound of people enjoying the evening was delightful and the feeling of a civilization growing was exceptional, finally after the unspoken things everyone had to do and go through everything was going back to normal.

That's what everyone thought. The next day It was Sofia's turn to feed the pigs, the pigs that Joshua found on a farm close to the city limit. Sofia woke up to a gray, rainy and cloudy sky and tired of the leaking noises that came from the roof she got up and went to the kitchen to get a bucket for the leak, the leak that Timothy was supposed to fix a month ago.

"I swear this time I'm going to throw the bucket full of water at him to make him get out of his laziness and fix the leak" She said to herself. Sofia was a strong and independent girl, she was admired for her determination to help people and for her stubbornness. She was a lovely and charismatic countryside girl and her beautiful smile mesmerized everyone that saw her, still her beautiful smile didn't hide the hot tempered part of her personality, but regardless of how her personality was she was a very valuable person for the group.

"Good morning" Said Shanice.

"Good morning" Said Sofia.

"I heard you talking alone again, i think at this point you're having mental problems because this is for sure not normal" Said Shanice with a funny tone.

"I just can't think of a better solution to the problem, if he keeps avoiding this we'll be having a very nice discussion" Said Sofia in a bitter tone

"Don't get mad at him, you know how he forgets things often. I'll fix it. I don't know how but I will" Said Shanice getting out of the room to go to the bathroom.

Minutes later when everyone was woken up and prepared for the day a scream was heard from one of the houses. Gadiel got out of the house alarmed and tried to look for where the sound was coming from when all of a sudden a child came running to Gadiel asking for help while Sofia and Shanice got out of the house trying to figure out what was happening.

"It's my mom, a zombie bit her" Said the little girl crying desperately.

Joshua brought rifles and guns for everyone and they all started to run to the house to prevent the zombies from getting in their camp, as they now call it. When they entered the house Joshua was the first to fire up the zombie in the head. Zombies need to be shot on their heads because their infection is in the brain, so if the brain doesnt work the infection has no use on the body.

The child's mother was bathed in blood, she was bit from behind, on her shoulder. The zombie had enough time to eat half of her arm and was on its way to eat her other arm but the group got there on time. The scared and intrigued neighbors were desperate to know what happened so Ada talked to them with a calm tone to avoid more panic and told them about the tragedy that had happened. Gadiel got out of the house to see if there was any breakout that could explain why the zombie was out there, and indeed there was one. As the panic took over the minds of the people, something started to growl and walk from inside the house. It was the child's mother. As she walked, bit the sister of who the walker once used to be. Without any doubt Timothy, scared from head to toe, shot the walker and Sofia shot the sister immediately to avoid her turning. Shanice ran towards the child to calm her and to tell her the horrible news about what had happened to her happy family.

Shanice figured out what happened as Ada and Timothy got rid of the bodies of the zombies. Shanice talked to the little girl named Karla and she told her what happened. What really happened was that this caring mother wanted to see the outside of the camp, she missed being out there so when she got back to the camp she forgot to close the door well. She was in a hurry because she heard people approaching and her getting out of the camp was supposed to be a secret that only her dead sister and her daughter should've known. No guards were covering that exit because she wanted to keep that secret for her family, so nobody could've stopped the walker from entering the camp.

Gadiel closed the door rapidly but he didn't know that as he tried to figure out what had happened the day before and was busy killing the walker (as they called it) the peaceful life of planting trees and flowers and taking care of animals to have them as food later was over. Walkers entered the camp but nobody knew where they were, the only trace they had was the street filled with bloody steps that guided them to different houses of the camp. Gadiel kept hearing screams coming from everywhere and in an instant every zombie in the camp came to light. Joshua and the rest of the group started to shoot the walker that could be seen and the women and men that were guarding the camp that day helped too. Shanice and the 10 year old girl heard the shots so Shanice hid Karla in a secret spot the group had in case of an emergency. When Shanice hid her, she quickly grabbed her rifle and got out to help the group. It was horrible out there. People screaming and scared, getting bit, it was something Shanice thought and hoped she didn't have to see again. 

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