Let Us Wish for Dear Friends

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Dearest Readers,

Would it cause scandal for a lady never to marry? Certainly being widowed would not. Ponder that in the coming weeks, for as some have been engaged or even wed, others have made no such decision. Duke Rhian Mistral and Duchess Clarissa Dovey have been part of such idle chatter, and the author wonders if they plan to wed at all.

Duke Mistral will have no trouble of course, but will the Duchy of Doves accept an unmarried Duchess? Certainly they did when the Duchess Mistral was alive, but she lost her husband and remarried thereafter. Duchess Dovey seems to have no intention of marrying, having denied every suitor she's seen.

Gentlemen, examine yourselves if you wish to woo the Diamond. Even the most stubborn of women will accept an upright gentleman in the temporary. Your permanence may be of concern, however! Many a sullied suitor have said that the Dukes Mistral had a hand in turning them away, and Duke Rhian has certainly been seen conversing in silent with his relation more than once.


Lady Whistledown

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"How did they even—," Clarissa huffed, pacing and nearly tearing her hair out as she spoke.

Rhian leaned against the tea cart in his customary blue. "You didn't exactly make it subtle."

"Yes, but it's not cause for alarm. I'm just not looking to marry!"

"You don't have much of a say in the matter..." Rhian looked pained, and Clarissa knew he hated to put her in this position, even though they'd been doing this song and dance since Clarissa's mama passed and she was sent to London to stay with her brothers.

"The Duchy accepted Mama. Why can't they accept me?"

"Because you never wed. You have no heirs."

Clarissa bristled at the mention of heirs. The discussion had come up more than once, with Clarissa being against it every time. She thought back to the Anemone Ball. "I could take in a child."

"On your own? It would be terribly hard work, and they'd have no proper breeding," Rafal said as he entered the room. His coat was flecked with pollen.

"Rafal, have you ever put in the work to raise a child?" Rhian asked. "Clarissa would be working twice as hard as the both of us combined."

"Well, she doesn't have to work, does she? Just have and raise children, Clarie. It's not that hard."

"Mama nearly died giving birth to you!" Clarissa protested.

"And she had you afterwards."

"That doesn't make it easier! It's a rotten ordeal. I'll not be partaking in it."

"Maybe my son will inherit it, then," Rafal proposed. "If you don't have a husband in a satisfactory time period.

Clarissa's mind wandered to the Anemone Ball again, how there would be no son, how Leonora would play him like a harp. She felt the sudden urge to laugh at the impropriety of the idea.

"Maybe." Clarissa turned to leave. Perhaps she would call on Anemone and they could peruse the shops.

"Oh, by the way," Rafal said. "Leonora is out with the horses. Why don't you go on a ride with her?"

"Why don't you? She's your fiancée."

"I just came back. That blasted horse threw me off."

Clarissa rolled her eyes. Rafal shot her a glare. She crossed her arms as she made for the door. "I'll consider it."

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