Chapter 4

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Three days later, Y/N, B/N, and the NIKKEs prepare to head back to the surface. Y/N and B/N are speaking with Anderson and Ingrid.

Anderson: L/N, you and your team have your mission. You will be sent to the surface to investigate source of a power station in Costal City 3 miles northwest from here. If it is intact, the Ark will be supplied for at least three months at the least.

Y/N: I assume the Raptures are willing to defend that facility.

Ingrid: If they are, you will report and return to base immediately.

Anderson: You'll head out in half an hour and someone will be able to assist you. You're dismissed.

Y/N: Yes sir. (Salutes) You got an armory here? I need to stock up.

He leaves the office and sees his brother and the NIKKEs. They have selected a few of the NIKKEs who will be joining them on the mission: Project 8, Deisel, Brid, Belorta, Alice, Soline, & Mica.

Rapi: Commander?

Y/N: We got a mission team. We're heading back up to the surface to investigate a power station.

Anis: Back up there? It's been three days and Major Anderson wants us to back up there?!

Y/N: We have our mission, Anis. My brother and I know the streets. We'll navigate to the facility. Any more objections?

The NIKKEs along with B/N say nothing.

Y/N: Good. Everyone, stock up. We depart in a half an hour.

The group heads for the armory and stock up their weapons for the mission. Once the weapons are loaded up, they head for the elevator. Ingrid arrives with a NIKKE next to her.

Ingrid: Y/N, before you head off, you will be aided by this NIKKE. This is Neon. She's a NIKKE from Elysion. She will be joining you.

Neon: I'm Neon. Nice to meet you all.

Alice: And you're telling us this why?

Ingrid: She's the provider for her firepower.

Y/N: We'll need all the help we can get.

Neon: Great! We should go now.

Ingrid: Remember what Anderson said.

Y/N nods and he, his brother and the NIKKEs enter the elevator and it goes up.

B/N: So we're going back to the surface, bro?

Y/N: The future of our world is at risk. The Raptures have taken everything from us. And now we are taking their lives.

Project 8: If you're willing to fight, Commander, then I'm ready to cover you.

Mica: So am I!

Soline: For my duty as a NIKKE.

Disiel: Me too.

Y/N nods and smiles just as the elevator reaches to the top. The group steps out and Neon looks around.

Neon: So this is the surface. It's way different than down there.

Anis: You mean you never been up here?

Y/N: You two can argue when our work is done. Shifty, locate the power station.

Shifty: Yes, Commander. Scanning... Complete. The power station is located three miles northwest from here.

Y/N: We should start moving immediately.

The group began their movement towards their objective. They have their weapons out for any signs of danger.

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