Chapter Nine

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Violet's POV;

Dinner with Pauli and Harry was a lot of fun. They took the time to tell me all about their experiences in the music industry.

It was really nice to hear their stories and they honestly put me at ease about everything I had been worried about.

Harry told me that he purposely secured me a meeting with this specific record label because they are very big on the artist having control of their career, and that their main focus is to help promote, and guide their artists.

I really appreciated that because one of my biggest fears was someone telling me what I could and could not do with my music.

After we finished eating, he kept his word about paying for my meal, but he let me leave the tip so that I felt like I contributed.

We were getting ready to leave, when Harry audibly groans out loud.

I look in the direction that he was facing to see a bunch of people with cameras waiting outside of the restaurant's window.

Pauli was right when they said that being in public with Harry would attract a lot of attention.

I feel myself start to become anxious, so I try to subtly practice my breathing exercises.

"It's alright, just stay close to me, I'll get you to my car and I'll drive you back to Pauli's. They'll be alright because it's not the first time they've had to go through this." Harry says seeing right through me.

I nod my head and take a deep breath as he holds his hand out for me.

"Ready to experience the life of a pop star, Violet?" He asks with a small smile.

"As I'll ever be." I say placing my hand in his.

"Just keep your head down and let me guide you. They'll try to ask you a few questions, but you aren't required to answer, just ignore them. And make sure to hold on tight." He says as we approach the door.

I look back to Pauli, and they give me a reassuring nod and thumbs up, before Harry opens the door to the restaurant and we immediately get bombarded with screaming fans and questions being shouted at us.

Doing what Harry told me, I turn my head downwards and squeeze his hand tight in mine as he begins to guide us through the big crowd.

Bright flashes of light begin to temporarily blind me as people take hundreds of pictures of Harry and I walking towards his car.

Finally after what feels like forever, Harry is opening the passenger door to his car and ushering me in, before running around to the other side and jumping in the drivers seat.

"That was...insane." I breath out as me and Harry sit silently in his car trying to catch our breaths.

"Tell me about it. Soon enough you'll be drawing in crowds just like that one with your beautiful voice." Harry says with a smirk.

"Yeah, whatever. You have, what, at least 10 years of fame on your back? It's not a surprise that you cause such a commotion." I tell him with a laugh.

"Alright, lets try to get out of here before they come knocking on the car windows." Harry says with a small laugh.

He starts the car and offers me the aux-chord.

"Don't play anything stupid though." He says teasingly as I take the chord from him.

I plug my phone in, and decide on 'Hey Jude' by the beetles, since it's one of my favorite songs to listen to when I need something to make me feel better.

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