Chapter Twenty-Four

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Violet's POV;

Harry's week here with me is coming to an end, and I can't help but feel sad.

He leaves the day after tomorrow to go back to L.A. and continue his work, while I stay back here and try to sort my life out.

I can't deny the feelings I've gained for him, or the fact that we're becoming attached to each other.

But, as much as I'd love to spend every day and night with him, I think the distance will be good for us.

We've been together almost every single day since I met him, and I'm worried I'll become too dependent on him.

I'll miss him lots when he leaves, but I want to spend the remaining three weeks alone to get my bearings and learning to be able to thrive on my own.

Sure, I'll still be with Nate and Terri, but they also have their own lives so I won't be with them as much as I have been.

Who am I kidding—Harry's the sole reason I haven't been living in my bed for the last week. I'll barely know how to function without him here.

They both went back to work today, leaving Harry and I alone.

We hadn't gotten out of my bed at all today, and it's already going for 2pm.

We've laid under the blankets talking, me showing him funny videos I'd find on social media, and him reading a book.

After being in go-mode for the last few weeks, it felt nice to have a day in bed.

"Is it bad that I really don't want to get up at all?" Harry speaks up as he lays his book down on the nightstand.

I shake my head with a smile, "I don't want to either." I say setting my phone down and rolling onto my side to face him.

"I love my job, but I'd kill to have more days like this." He says draping his arm over my waist.

Smiling, I nod my head and scoot myself closer to him.

"I could honestly go for a nap right now." I say with a small yawn.

"We haven't even done anything for you to be tired." He says with a laugh as I shrug.

"I'm comfy, that's reason enough." I say resting my cheek against his arm.

"Go to sleep, I'll be right here when you wake up." He says pulling me closer to him, and holding me tight.

I smile and close my eyes, feeling sleep consume me.

My arm moves across the sheets searching for Harry, but I come up empty.

I sigh and open my eyes staring at the ceiling.

It wasn't until a few minutes pass that I heard the soft humming coming from across the room.

I sit up and see Harry sitting at my keyboard with a pair of headphones on his head.
I slowly crawl out of my bed as he hums to himself, the sound of the keys clicking as he plays notes only he can hear.

Making my way behind him, I gently take the headphones off of his ears and set them aside making his head turn in my direction.

"I didn't know you woke up." He says with a smile.

"That's because you couldn't hear a single thing." I say with a laugh.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to nap and had an idea for a new song." He says as I shake my head.

"Don't be sorry. It's nice to see you in action." I say as I go to walk away, but he grabs my hand and pulls me back.

"Where are you going?" He asks as he pulls me down across his legs.

"I was going to sit outside, it seems nice out." I say as he hugs me close to him.

"I thought we agreed to spending all day in bed?" He asks.

"You broke that by getting up to write a song. So come on, lets get some fresh air." I say standing up and pulling him with me. 

I pull him down the stairs and see Nate sitting on the couch.

"Fancy to see you two. Have you left the bedroom at all today?" He asks and I shake my head.

"It was a lazy day today." I say and he laughs.

"You go from staying out all night to staying in all day like old people." He says shaking his head as Harry chuckles from behind me.

"If you'll excuse us, we were just going outside to get some fresh air." I say dragging Harry to the back door.

"So what did you want to do out here?" He asks as I take a seat in one of the patio chairs.

"I didn't think this far ahead." I admit as I look out to the sky.

He laughs as he takes a seat next to me looking up to the sky as well.

after a few moments in silence I hear him shuffling in his seat.

I look over and see him curled up in a ball with his head resting on his knees.

Smiling I quietly take my phone out and snap a picture of him before he looks over to me.

"Did you just take a picture of me?" He asks with a smirk. 

"No." I say slowly lowering my phone with a smile on my face.

"Mhm..." He says narrowing his eyes at me as he smiles.

"You just looked too pretty to not capture on photo." I admit quietly as his smile grows larger.

"For what it's worth, I think you're way prettier than I am." He says making me roll my eyes.

"Be quiet and enjoy the sunshine." I tell him as I smile to myself.

"Whatever you say, Darling." He mumbles making my growing blush deepen.

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