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I'm glad I'm going to another interview job today randaka applier 3 months back to Diaz Cooperations and they emailed me last week that I have an interview today. I hope this interview goes well because I can't handle another job rejection after being rejected to my previous interviews. If I don't get this job today then I'm screwed up. My aunt is now depending on me after she got fired at the company she used to work for and now she's just sitting at home looking for another job but there's no guarantee that she will get hired anytime soon at any other company because of her age, she's 45.

My name is Jaime Vhera and I'm 21 years old. My parents died 10 years ago, they were involved in a car accident and they both died on the spot. My fathers sister is the one who raised me. She loves me so much and there's no single day that I have missed my parents. She doesn't have kids of her own because she never got married or maybe she can't have kids, I don't know. I'm the only child she have now. I finished my A level in 2020 and I've been sitting at home doing nothing. I never went to college because my aunt couldn't afford the money.
My parents were very rich and they were friends with Jane's family but after they died everything was taken away from me. The state bank told my aunt that my dad had so many loans and credits so they sold our house and my fathers companies to cover up the loans. My aunty took me to her house and took care of like her own child. I was still very young to understand how the property issues works and till today I still don't understand kuti dad vangu vanga vane zvikwereti zvakakurasei zvekuti they had to combine all my fathers property kuti mari yacho ikwane kubhadara zvikwereti zvese.

I picked my wallet on the bed and looked at myself on the mirror one last time before I rushed out of the apartment that I share with my best childhood friend Jane. Yeah, I'm 21 and I got my independence so I can stay wherever the hell I want. I moved in with Jane 3 months ago so I can get enough time to look for a proper paying job. I'm just a highschool graduate so it won't be that easy to find a job soon. I just have give myself grace. I locked the door of our apartment because ndanga ndiri ndega. Jane didn't return home last night, she texted me saying she's spending the night at her boyfriend's Tony's house and she have her own apartment keys. Ndakafamba kuenda kuroad kwatino kwirira malifts kubva kuChisipiti kuenda mutown and it's not easy to get a ride to town from here because kwakazara maprivate cars and especially this early in the morning unless waita lucky wawanawo anoda kukutakurawo because most of the cars dzinenge dzichimhanyira kubasa. It's been 15 minutes since I've standing on the junction waiting and hoping to get a ride soon but there's still no sign of a car iri kuda kunditakurawo. Dzese dzaingo pfura dzichindisiya. "Fuck! I'm going to be late" and then a black SUV stopped in front of me "oh thank god, I hope I get a ride now"
The black SUV have tinted windows and the windows were closed. Munhu wacho aidriver akatora nguva asina kumbovhura mawindows. I tried to open the door kuti ndipinde kuback seat but all the doors were locked.
I knocked pa window padriver irritated

Jaime : "Hey do you want to give me a ride or not?"

Driver aive akagara kumberi akabva avhura window. He's a very scary man and he's wearing a black suit and he look like one of those American drivers that we see on TV. He have a scar underneath his left eye and he looks so deadly scary. My heart started beating so fast "Oh this was a bad idea. What if I get kidnapped. Who is the owner of this expensive car? Probably not him"

Driver : "Open the back seat door and seat quietly. Don't disturb him"

"Don't disturb him, who? I'm only taking this ride because I don't wanna get late for my interview or else I would have rejected it and told them to and I will wait for another car"

Ndakavhura door ndakapinda mota ndobva yatosimuka nguva iyoyo. The car really smells nice and rich. There's a guy sitting panext seat and he's wearing sunglasses. He looks like a picture perfect portrait hanging on the wall. He has a sharp nose, straight jaw and his lips, let me no go there. He have light skin but yakanyanya kuolita too white, maybe he's mixed but his hair is kink. Skin yake yakaita kutsetseka ahina kana kaspot or a scar and he have an eagle tattoo on his left hand rakakura kubva kushoulder rake kusvika pawrist. It's a big tattoo and it's so visible because he's wearing a vest. His muscles oh God, he's a Roman Reigns duplicate. He have fancy hair cut and he smells an after shaving cream and that took my breathe away. Everything about him is so rich and classy. Just one glance at him made me tremble. Anga akagara leaning his head back on the seat akatarisa mudenga akapeta maoko ake. "Who is this guy?" I wish he could just remove his sunglasses, I want to see his eyes. He must really have beautiful eye's. "Control yourself Jaime, he's a stranger and he looks deadly serious. He looks like a handsome gangster"
"Doe's he even speak, I wonder what he's voice sounds like"

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