All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1

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Dean called Dad and me because Sam was missing, and he needed help finding him.

Because Sam had disappeared from a diner full of dead people and sulfur.


We met up on the highway, parked on the side of the road, pouring over a map.

"This is it," Dad told him. "All demonic signs and omens over the past month."

"Are you joking?" Dean asked. "There's nothing here."

"Exactly," Dad told him.

"Well, come on," Dean told us. "There's gotta be something. What about the—the—the normal, low-level stuff? You know, exorcisms, that kind of thing."

"That's what I'm telling you," Dad told him. "There's nothing. It's completely quiet."

"Well, how are we supposed to look for Sam?" Dean asked. "What, do we just close our eyes and point?"

"I have Ash looking for something," I told him. "Anything." My phone rang. I pulled out my phone to see it was Ash calling. "Speak of the devil..." I answered. "Ash, what do you got?"

"Okay, listen. It's a big negatory on Sam."

"Oh, come on, man. You've gotta give us something. We're looking at a three thousand mile haystack here."

"Listen, Ness. I did find something."

"Well, what?"

"I can't talk over this line, Ness."

"Come on. We don't have time for this."

"Make time, okay? Because this—What's up? What's going on? Not only does this almost definitely help you find Sam, this is, uh, it's huge. So get here. Now."

Ash hung up.

I looked at Dean and Dad. "I guess we're going to the Roadhouse. Come on."


Dean drove us in the Impala up to the Roadhouse.

The entire building had been burned down to the ground.

"What the hell?" Dean asked.

We got out of the car, walking among the debris.

Every single part of the Roadhouse had been destroyed.

"Oh, my God," I said.

"You see Ellen?" Dean asked.

"No," Bobby answered. "No Ash, either."

I looked toward Ash's watch in the pile of rubble, pulling on it to see it was still attached to Ash's very burnt corpse. "No, Ash. Damn it."

I turned toward Dean and Dad, shaking my head, looking away.


We walked toward the Impala.

"This is..." Dad trailed off.

"What the hell did Ash know?" I asked. "We've got no way of knowing where Ellen is. Or if she's even alive. We've got no clue what Ash was gonna tell us. We just got him killed along with an entire bar filled with other hunters. Now, how the hell are we gonna find Sam?"

"We'll find him," Dad told us.

Dean held hi head in pain.

"Dean?" I asked. Dean groaned in pain, doubling over. "What was that?"

"I don't know," Dean told us. "A headache?"

"You get headaches like that a lot?" Dad asked.

"No," Dean answered. "Must be the stress." He chuckled. "I could have sword I saw something."

"What do you mean?" I asked. "Like a vision? Like what Sam gets?"

"What?" Dean asked. "No!"

"I'm just saying," I told him.

"Come on," Dean told us. "I'm not some psychic."

Dean fell against the car in pain.

"Dean?" I asked. "Dean!" I walked toward him, helping him stand. "Are you with me?"

"Yeah, I think so," Dean answered. "I saw Sam. I saw him, Ness."

"It was a vision," I told him.

"Yeah," Dean answered. "I don't know how, but yeah. Whew. That was about as fun as getting kicked in the jewels."

Dad walked closer. "What else did you see?"

"Uh... there was a bell," Dean told us.

"What kind of bell?" Dad asked.

"Like a big bell with some kind of engraving on it," Dean answered. "I don't know."

"Engraving?" I repeated.

"Yeah," Dean answered.

"Was it a tree?" Dad asked. "Like, an oak tree?"

"Yeah, exactly," Dean answered.

"Dad?" I asked.

Dad looked between us. "I know where Sam is."


Near the edge of the woods near a ghost town, Dad, Dean and I pulled up in the Impala.

There was a huge tree in the way of the road.

"Well, it looks like the rest of the way's on foot," Dad told us.

We got out of the car, walking around to the trunk, grabbing guns.

"Let's go," Dean told us.

We walked into the ghost town, searching.


Further up, we could hear a large fight going on in the light rain.

"Sam!" Dean called.

Sam walked closer, holding his arm, nearly staggering with exhaustion, happy and relieved. "Dean!"

A man walked up behind Sam, grabbing a knife from the ground.

We picked up the pace.

"Sam, look out!" I told him.

The man stabbed the knife through Sam's back.

Dean ran toward them. "No!"

The man twisted the knife, creating a massive wound, running away, leaving.

Sam gasped in pain, falling to his knees.

Dad and I ran after the man who had stabbed Sam as fast as we could.

But the man was strong and fast, having some sort of power like Sam's that gave him enough of a boost to get away.

Dean stayed with his dying little brother.

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