Chapter 8

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"He's what I'm missing, Zee"

Liam said, just when Zayn was about to fall asleep. Liam couldn't, his thoughts were killing him.

He can't stop thinking of the cute curly headed boy with the adorable tow dimples, who is just a block away. He was worried about what had happened to him in his past, but now when he knows him, he will do everything to keep him safe and happy.

Liam remembered how smily Harry was when he was with Zayn.

Liam couldn't blame him, Liam was always happy with Zayn. he felt like Zayn was his soulmate, since high school. Liam was always the popular hot guy at school that every girl liked, but he felt like he was faking himself, when he dated a girl, that was in his group of friends. She told him what she felt, and Liam thought it's his opportunity to prove himself, that he likes girls. And all of those thoughts in his head just manipulates him.

But it was not right, never in this three months of relationship, he never loved this girl. and she never was actually attractive to him even though she was so pretty, and he knew it.

He never felt the passion to text her, or to kiss her. And he saw that she's getting a little bit hurt, she told him that she feels like this relationship is coming just from her, and she's the only one that is trying to keep it alive.

He decided to cut it up, and move on.

When he met Zayn, he was so confused, he spent all his high school years trying to deny, that he never really liked girls. deep in his heart he knew that he was gay, but it scared him so much, will his friends will reject him? Of worse, will his parents will kick him out of the house?

He tried to ignore Zayn, for some time. Just so maybe he will forget about him, maybe.

He couldn't.

long story short, they're happily married for a long time, and they're loved and supported by their friends and families.

But still, for the past year, something in their marriage didn't feel right, He love Zayn he really does, Zayn means the world to Liam. But still, sometimes, things felt weird. He felt like he was in a daily mission, he couldn't succeed in the mission, because he didn't know what he is trying to find- or do, he just felt like something inside him was missing, or between them.

Liam didn't mention this before, because he thought that is would just disappear in time. Just like he tried to deny the feeling for Zayn, a long time ago.

But after meeting the small boy, and getting to know him- even a tiny bit. He knew, Harry is the peace, that is missing in his life, he needed him, to complete his family.

"What do you mean?" Zayn said, tired. At this moment he just wanted to fall asleep.

"Harry" Liam said "i think- i think that we need him with us."

When Zayn couldn't think clearly about what Liam said, he didn't say immediately 'are you crazy?' That was so likely for him to do. He was actually understanding was Liam is feeling, because dip inside, He was feeling it too. He wanted to protect this little boy form the evil that is harming him, and the only way to do it is to be with him, and taking care of him.

But Zayn was also thinking clearly, is that even possible? To just take him? After all, he has his own place and his own life, which in Zayn eyes, his life does not doing good for him, seeing all the bruises around his body.

"I understand what you're saying, i feel it to. Let's talk about it tomorrow, okay?" Zayn replied, he wanted to talk about it right now, but he knew that he needed his head clear, because it's a serious topic.

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