Chapter 9

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"I got some Starbucks!" Liam said, as he entered Harry's hospital room, with Zayn at his side

Harry woke up just a few minutes ago, so he was still a bit sleepy. But when he looked around seeing the two people he was expecting to see all night, a big shiny smile was on his face.

"What is Starbucks?" Harry asked innocently.

"Don't you know what Starbucks is?" Zayn asked, shocked. He didn't mean to sound rude, but everyone knows what Starbucks is.

"No" Harry said, a bit of guilt in his voice

"It's a place where you can get coffee, and food. I usually go there before work. It's really yummy!" Zayn said

"Oh, i never ate there i think" Harry said, knowing very well he never ate outside food. He was always to make some sandwiches on his own.

"Well, it's not too late to try now!" Liam said, and gave Harry the bag they got his food in.

Harry looked inside, he saw a sandwich, and a cookie! Oh god how much he loves cookies! Grandma used to give it to him ones or twice, and since then he was waiting for his next opportunity to have one.

Harry didn't hesitate a second, and was about to pull his cookie out first.

"No, Harry. You eat the sandwich first, the cookie is when you finish your food." Zayn said as he handed Harry his cup of hot chocolate.

"Oh.. why?" Harry asked, disappointed. He didn't want to be a trouble, but he really wanted his cookie!

"Because cookie is a treat, Love. And you can have it if i see you eat your food" Zayn explains nicely

"So i can eat it after?" Harry said, he didn't even notice the nickname Zayn gave him.

"Yes, of course" Zayn replies

They all ate their food, Harry tried his best to eat all of the food they gave him, but it was all too much. He used to eat all of this in one week, it's not healthy of course. But he was still used to this way of living. Zayn and Liam understand that, and let him have his cookie.

"Thanks so much for all of this, you didn't have to" Harry said when he was finally finished

"No problem, it's our pleasure" Liam said.

"Oh" Liam added, remembering something exciting he wanted to show Harry

"Look what I found!" Liam said while pulling out Molly, Harry's best friend and his first gift form his grandmother.

"Molly!" Harry almost screamed, so excited to see his best friend again. He was crying while holding her to his chest, 'I missed you so much' he said to his heart.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Harry said, he didn't know how to express in words how grateful he is.

He almost thought he lost her forever, his best friend. It was very heartwarming to get special from Liam and Zayn, but nothing is like Molly. There is no toy that could replace her ever.

"She was with my friend, so don't worry, She was in good hands while she was missing" the past two days all of Liam's helpers looked for Molly all over town, but apparently, Luck had her, he didn't know who this stuffie belonged to but he just thought it was Louis'. he saw that Liam was looking for it so he immediately handed it over to him.

"Good!" Harry said, happy while he petted his friend again

"I'm sorry, i think I'm missing out here... who's this?" Zayn asked, pointing at Molly

"She's Molly, and She's also my bestie!" Harry said with a smile full of dimples. Zayn and Liam both thought they could die form the cuteness.

"She is! Well, hello Molly, i'm Zayn" Zayn introduced himself to the teddy, it was weird, but he knew that this is the way he needed to act around the little boy.

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