I forgive you.

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JJ pov)

I can't get over last night, Simon's lips on mine, I felt as though I was floating

I pick up my phone and give him a text

Hey you wanna
Meet up later today, we could go
Out or something like that x

Hey I can't sorry, I'm meeting up w someone else x

Oh that's fine, who you meeting

Oh um, JME.

Your joking right?

Look he just wants to meet for a drink, plus it's not like you can decide who I meet and don't meet.

Yeah your right. Have fun Simon.

What the fuck?

I thought we were getting along, I mean he kissed me

Did that mean nothing to him?

Looks like I'm the fucking fool.

I fell for him.

---(Simon pov)---

Was that to harsh?

I mean JJ has been there for me, our friendship was getting a better, I even felt a connection between us.

Fuck I even kissed him.

I've went and fucked it

Atleast he can get a taste of his own medicine, just like in high school, I'll never forget what he did to me.

But its alright now I guess? I don't know.

My phone lights up with a message

Hey I'm outside x

Here we go

I slip my shoes on and let the boys know I'm heading out

I see JME smiling like a kid on Christmas day

"Hey Simon, I missed you" he says

He attempts to hug me, but I just hum in response and jump in his car

It's a long and painful drive, none of us daring to make conversation

We soon arrived, pulling up outside a bright lit bar

We head inside, and the bartender takes our drinks

"So how you been?" He asks

I shrug "all right I guess"

"So Simon, I just really want to apologise for what I done to you that night, I never ment to hurt you, I loved you. I still do. I just hope you can forgive me" He displays a soft smile on his face

I nod my head "you're forgiven" I say, a laugh following after

One drink turned into three, and three turned into eight, and soon I'm gone

Holding on to JME for dear life, JME on the other hand had not even finished his first drink

Sober as anything.

"Can I come back with you pleaseeeeee" I say

He laughs at my drunken state "Yeah sure Simon"

We both pile in his car, singing karaoke to one of my songs

I look over at him, god he is beautiful.

I look away my cheeks heating up, as I realise we're back at his place

We stumble inside, well more I stumble inside

And colapse onto the couch

I feel myself already falling asleep

"Come on Simon, we gotta get you to bed" he says, taking off my shoes, my jackets and my jumper leaving me in my joggies and a top

I groan "noooo, this is fine" I say making myself more comfy on the couch

"Come on" JME picks me up and carries me to his room, I'm placed on the bed

I decide I'm to hot and take my top off, but im no longer tired

I look at JME, he's staring back st me

It all happened so quickly

I'm on him, our kisses wet and sloppy, we make it to the bed and I'm pinned down

"You sure?" He asks not wanting a repeat of last time

"Please" and my lips are back on his, I'm tugging off his top, and his joggies him doing the same

He flips me over

---(I'll let you guess what happens after that)---


Holding on- Ksimon FFWhere stories live. Discover now