well then.

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JJ pov)

I'm pulling on some joggies that have been lying on my bedroom floor for god knows how long, but I don't care.

I'm dreading today, last night Harry let me and Ethan know that he invited Josh, Tobi, Vik and of course Simon for lunch, I really didn't want to go but I could see the glee on Harry's face that I just couldn't say no

So here I am pulling a jumper over my head and Sluggishly making my way downstairs

There I see Harry and Ethan waiting for me, standing around the kitchen counter

"Finally, hurry get your shoes we don't wanna be late now do we!" Harry exclaims

I huff stamping my feet to make sure my shoes are on properly

I grab the car keys and take a step out the door and into the cold air, immediately wishing I had bring a jacket but I can't be arsed to turn around and grab one

I quicken my pace so im now at the car door, shoving myself into the drivers seat

I crank the heating up and Ethan jumps in the passenger seat, while Harry sits in the back

I rev the engine before speeding off out the drive

I park as close as I can to nandos, but it's still a two minute walk, which it's far but I'm freezing and I don't feel like it

We turn the last corner, and I see the others standing at the door waiting for us

Harry speeds up a little, so I do aswell

"Hey guys, glad you could make it" Josh says

I form a small smile on my lips, trying to seem polite but to be honest I just want to get inside and get warmed up

We take our seats and somehow I'm sat next to Simon. Great.

The waiter comes over and takes our orders, clearing trying to flirt with a few of us, she must have particularly took an interest in me because she's now handing me a note with her phone number wrote on it

She sends me a wink, before walking off. I see Simon huff next to me, about god knows what.

Maybe he's jealous?

Don't be fucking stupid JJ he's got a boyfriend. JME to be pacific.

The rest of lunch goes well all until Simon shoves past me to get out and runs to the bathroom not daring to take a look back at the table

Well then.

Holding on- Ksimon FFWhere stories live. Discover now