let me make it up to you

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JJ pov)

My phone is going nuts, the fans of me and Simon have some how figured out that we "broke up"

It must have been JME that little twat

Anyway, I turn my phone on to see I have missed calls and messages from Simon

For fuck sakes

Please answer me jide

Three missed calls

I'm so sorry

Two missed calls

Let me make it up to you

And how would you do

By taking you out to
Dinner or something like

No. You had your chance
You really hurt me Simon.

I know but I can't apologise
If you don't let me

Maybe I don't want to even
See or hear from you
ever again.

*you have blocked this

I switch my phone off, and sit it on my bedside table

Maybe I was being a little harsh but I didn't care

He broke my heart

There's a knock at my door, "come in!" I shout

Ethan comes in and sits on the end of my bed

"How you feeling?" He asks

Ever since the thing happened with Simon the boys have been really looking out for me

I nod my head "Alright I guess, as good as i can be"

"Yeah I get you, you wanna come down staring me and Harry made lunch?" He says

"Yeah sure, what have you made" I say as we both make our way down the stairs

"Well we where ment to make pancakes but well the more turned out to be burnt cakes" he stayes

I look at him confusion written all over my face but that soon disappeared as I saw Harry waving smoke out the window

"God sake, are you trying to gas us or some shit" I cough out

He flips me off laughing as he does

Sooner or later the smoke is fully gone, as we settle down to eat out pancakes, well burnt cakes

I take a bite, grimace showing on my face as soon as I do

"Wow guys these are.....lovely?" I say spitting it out

"Well listen its the best we could do" Harry says

Laughter flows from our mouths, this is the best I've felt in a few days

*knock knock*

We look at each other, "oh I forgot to mention that Josh was coming over" Harry sprints off to the door

Mw and Ethan look at each other

"Is something going on between them?" He asks me

"Listen I'm not supposed to say anything" I look around making sure Harry's still at the door

"About two weeks ago, I caught Harry sneaking in the house really late, and he wouldn't tell me where or who he was with. I eventually got him to spill, and he was Josh, they where I suppose Netflix and chilling" I say smirking


I cover his mouth "Shut up. I wasn't meant to tell you" he nods and I remover my hand

Harry and Josh walk in,"hey guys!" Josh greats us

While Ethan replies, I just flash him a smile

"How are you JJ, Simon told us what happened" Josh questions

I shrug not really wanting to tell him anything

"Have you spoke to Simon?" He asks again

Harry and Ethan shoot him a look of anger

"Look if you've came just to get answers for Simon, you know where the door is" I spit

"No, no I'm sorry I didn't mean to push or anything, it's just I know how much Simon wants to make it up to you" he says

Harry clears his throat "We better get going, right Josh?"

"Woah where are you two going?" Ethan asks

"To the movies" Harry shouts back

And the front door slams shut

"I always thought they where fucking you know" Ethan speaks

I erupt into laughter

"Nah they are cute together though" I state

Ethan nods in agreement

Maybe I don't need Simon after all, I'm doing just fine without him.

If he thinks im going to forgive him. He can think again

Two can play at that game.

Holding on- Ksimon FFWhere stories live. Discover now