Chapter Sixteen

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sorry I didn't upload last week. I've been feeling drained with no motivation to write anything to stay as ahead as I am in this story.



Peter catches Ned up on what happened last night and thanks the heavens that he managed to talk us out of the mission until Mr.Harrington comes out of the hotel announcing that the schedule changed and that we were going to Prague. "What?" I gave Peter a look that says 'I told you so' as our teacher explained that our tour was upgraded. We head to the bus and see Dimitri waiting with a sign with our school's name.

Peter huffs as we drop off our bags, and everyone loads into the bus. During the drive, I texted Peter about the mission and what I found out last night since we couldn't discuss it out loud. He didn't want to believe that Quentin was lying, and I told him that I didn't know for sure if he was lying or not, just that I had a feeling.

It was our first disagreement, and it made my heart hurt that he wouldn't take what I said into consideration. I loved that he always wanted to see the best in people, but sometimes people weren't always good. Even though we were no longer talking to each other during the drive, I still enjoyed the view and took pictures to show Wanda later. Peter eventually took my hand in his as he calmed down, but no words were spoken.

We stop at a small village, and Dimitri tells us to be back on the bus in ten minutes after he refuels the tank. As we stepped off, Dimitri stopped us and pointed to a bar. We looked at each other and walk to the building where a blonde woman waited for us. "Take off your clothes." We both stop and looked at this woman in disbelief. "I'm sorry-"

"Fury told me spider-man and Her majesty cannot be seen again in Europe. I made you this." She hands us both a black bundle and crossed her arms as she rushed for us to undress. I put the clothes inside my gem as Peter undoes and takes off his pants. Brad then busts into the building, and we both turn in shock. I'll admit, Peter with his pants down alone in a room with two girls seemed like there was something sexual going on. I acted quickly as Peter fumbled an excuse and brought my hand out, lowering my pinky and ring finger, waving it into an ark, "These are not the droids you're looking for." Brad paused mid-way from lifting his phone to take a picture of us with almost a blank look. "These are not the droids you're looking for."

"Have a good day, Brad."

"Have a good day, Brad."

"You may go."

"You may go." He turns and leaves the three of us alone again. Peter pulled his pants back on and looked at me in shock as he buttoned up. "Did you just do a Jedi mind trick on Brad?" I laughed, and we heard the teacher yelling for us to return to the bus. I put his new suit inside my gem and take his hand, "There was no way I was going to let him take a picture of us with your pants down." He takes my face into his hands and pulls me into a kiss, "Damn, I love you." My face flushes at the admission, "You love me?" He flushes as well when he realizes what he said. "Uh- I mean."

I pulled him into another kiss, "I love you too."


When we arrived in Prague, it was a pleasant surprise that it was their annual carnival of lights. The locals were dressed up, and our classmates were bouncing in excitement about going. As we stand in the hotel lobby, Peter got a call on his phone and stepped away. Once he returned he asked for his earpiece and told me to put it on my own as well. Ned appears next to us apologizing for not being a better man in the chair for spider-man, and Peter waves off his concerns but tells him that the elementals would attack tonight.

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