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hi guys!!

just popping up here really quick to say that i know the storyline is moving along really slowly right now, but i promise it'll move along quicker after the next chapter. i just wanted these first few chapters to kind of move along together as an intro, but things will pick up the pace by chapter 7. :)

thank you again for supporting this story, it really means a lot to me that you guys are enjoying it so far. with that said, enjoy reading!


"it's definitely ten thousand."

"it can't be ten thousand, there's no way yuri spent ten thousand won on all those groceries at the store. the value of x i found is twenty-five thousand."

"exactly what i've been saying for the past ten minutes!"

"what did you guys even do to get those answers? i got forty-eight thousand."

"jeongwoo-yah, respectfully, what?"

"wait... weren't we supposed to use the quadratic formula? that means there must be two values of x to evaluate and then we'd have to check to make sure the total adds up..."


jaemi, doyoung, yui, and jeongwoo were currently working on the last question of their math assignment. they had been in the café for around two hours now, and were now debating on whether the value of x was zero (doyoung's answer), twenty-five (yui's and jaemi's answer), or forty-eight (jeongwoo's answer).

"can we just retrace everyone's steps one by one to see where something's wrong?" yui suggested. "that way we can all know where we made mistakes and then recalculate."

"well, it's obvious now that we're all wrong because we didn't use the quadratic formula like it's written in the question. let's start over and figure out what to do from there," doyoung said.

"this is the third time we're restarting this question," jaemi sighed as she erased her work and started working on the problem again.

"just push through it, jae. we're almost done," jeongwoo said as he did the same thing.

after a while, the four friends finally finished and compared their answers. "okay, so we know for sure one of the values of x is negative thirty-three, which would be impossible in this case because you can't spend a negative amount of money. so we're obviously discarding that value. the second value of x that i got is forty-eight," doyoung said.

"i got the same thing," yui said after comparing hers and doyoung's work.

"me too," jaemi said and looked over at jeongwoo's workbook, seeing he had the same answer. "looks like we're done!"

"i can't believe i did all of that work just to end up with the same answer as before," jeongwoo deadpanned, making his three friends laugh. "and you all had the audacity to doubt me because my answer seemed so out of nowhere."

"sorry, jeongwoo," yui said as they all packed their things and left the café.

"i mean, when you think about it... most people do spend nearly fifty thousand won on groceries, so jeongwoo really was right from the start..." jaemi said as they walked around. "sorry about that, jeongwoo."

"it's fine, jae. besides, if that was an exam question, i would have probably gotten some points deducted for not using the quadratic formula," jeongwoo said and shrugged his shoulders.

"so where do we go now? unless you guys have to be home," doyoung asked.

"i don't have to be home until later. i heard there's a new arcade that opened recently, if you guys wanna check it out," yui said and laughed when she saw doyoung's and jeongwoo's eyes light up at the mention of the arcade. "i guess we're going there, then," she said and got her phone out, looking up the address and finding directions on how to get there.

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