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It didn't take long until the metal gates of the castle entrance were in view and the road began to turn into gravel.

Colby, Corey, Devyn and I had left from the hotel not long ago and had been blasting Taylor Swift songs the whole way. Turns out, Corey knows a lot more songs than I do. Surprising but also not.

Everyone else was in the car behind us and we all planned to stay the night again, and hopefully this time we would actually sleep.

I turned down the volume and unplugged my phone from the aux as, Colby parked the car. As I got out the car I got a sudden head rush and my vision blacked out for a millisecond. Colby jogged over to my side and easily grabbed my shoulder, holding me upright.

"I told you, I would get the door," he scolded with a disapproving look on his face.

"And I warned you I was stubborn," I sassed back with the same disapproving look but it soon broke as a smile crept onto my face.

He sighed before shaking his head and closing my door. The other car pulled in and parked beside ours and soon we were all gathered in the ball room again.

"I just got déjà vu," Devyn chuckled and, Corey put an arm around her waist.

It was starting to get darker outside and I could see part of the setting sun through the large glass window. I suddenly got the urge to go and watch it on the roof, but I knew I would never get up there with, Colby on my trial 24/7.

"Hey, is there like... a deck or something upstairs where I could go outside?" I asked, drawing my gaze towards the group.

"Uh, yeah I think there's one in the master bedroom," Sam replied with furrowed eyebrows. "Why?"

"I'll be back before dark!" I yelled as I jogged towards the stairs and when I had finally made my way to the master bedroom, the sky was a bright orange.

I scurried over to the doors and let the light breeze fly through my hair as I took a deep breath. My eyes flew to the bright half sphere as it slowly sunk into the mountains far ahead.

"Why'd you have to run? You gotta be–" I silenced Colby with a quiet; "come here,"

He slowly stalked over to me and I could tell he had a scrunched up facial expression—even though my eyes never left the beauty in front of me.

"Look," I whispered when I saw his hands in my peripheral on the railing to my left.

We both watched as the sky changed from an orange to a soft pink and I couldn't take my eyes off of it. We were both just standing there, resting our hands on the black metal railing that had a view of a huge grassy field that hadn't been mowed in over 100 years—or that's how it looked anyway.

The grass was tall and it gracefully waved to us as the wind blew through it gently. But I only looked at it for a second before my eyes met back with the pink and purple sky.

The sky was now a gradient of pink, purple and blue. I could see two stars above the cloud that almost touched the sun. They were both bright, and as the sky got a darker hue of purple and blue, they almost moved towards each other. Either that or I was still tripping from the meds the doctor had given me.

They shone brighter as the sky got darker and soon enough I could only see a sliver of the burning ball of fire millions of miles away from us. We both stared and marvelled at the beauty in front of us, but little did I know, Colby was staring at a different 'beauty.'

"I can't remember the last time I took a step back and just... breathed a little," I sighed softly as I finally looked towards the man beside me. "You know?"

"Yeah..." he whispered back as his eyes examined every little detail of my face, like he was trying to memorize it.

When his eyes met back with mine, the whole world disappeared and suddenly it was just us, no more sun, no more stars, no more ghosts in the dark.

Just us.

His hand twitched with the need to touch me, to hold me, but he never did anything.

My mind suddenly got lost in his eyes and suddenly my words from earlier played in my mind.

'Just know that we aren't dating because I'm not ready for a relationship yet.'

The words repeated in my mind a couple of times before I started to really think. Was I ready for a relationship? Am I ready for a relationship? Well...

Yes. I am ready.

I took a step closer and raised my hand so it rested on the back of his head, and pulled him towards me. Our lips smashed together and he immediately kissed back. My fingers tangled into his dark locks and his hands rested on my waist.

This kiss wasn't like our first one. It wasn't rushed or passionate, it was just... sweet.

He pulled back after bit, resting our four heads together and letting our noses brush together. I stared at his pink lips and felt the pull in me that desired to kiss him again but I resisted and met his eyes with mine.

His blue orbs seemed more blue in the dark light and his stare was full of lust and passion. "Are you sure?" He whispered.

I felt his warm breath against my needing lips and I felt a shiver run up my spine.

"Positive," I spoke affirmatively.

That's all it took for him to grace my lips with his once again. His hands gripped my waist as he pulled me impossibly closer and his left hand explored more of my body, carful not to go anywhere I didn't want it.

He payed close attention to how I reacted when he touched different spots and when he touched my lower back I arched myself into him with a quiet moan escaping my preoccupied mouth.

I pulled back with embarrassment and I quickly tried to catch my breath before, Colby put a single finger under my chin and lifted my face up to look at his.

His normally plump lips were swollen and his cheeks were rosy from the heat that we both felt inside.

I bet my cheeks were just as rosy and my lips were just as swollen, but I didn't care. Nothing mattered anymore. Not when I was with him. With Colby.

I pulled him in for one last kiss and held us there for a couple minutes. There were sparks all around us and the fireworks going off in the back of my mind were definitely a good sign.

I had never felt like this before and I absolutely loved it. I never wanted to feel any other way besides this one.

I pulled back for the last time tonight and met his lust filled eyes with my passion filled ones. I let my hands slide down from behind his neck and down to his chest. We stayed like that for a while, his hands on my waist and mine on his chest. No words as the world came back into view and the sounds of the early crickets sounded through the cold night air.

"I love you," I stated with a ghost of a smile on my face.

"I love you too," the corners of his mouth lifted into a smile, matching my expression.

My eyes never left his and my smile never faltered and his expression always matched mine.



"Will you be my girlfriend?"


Hello my loves!!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I promise the next one will be soon. I have a camping trip this weekend and I have to babysit my little cousins so I might not be writing as much but I promise when I get home I will get started on the next one. Also I know this chapter is a bit shorter than the rest but I knew how I wanted to end this chapter and when I got to that point of the story, I just figured I would have to leave it like it is. I love you all and don't forget to vote and I'll see you next time

1417 words

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