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Once everyone was awake, Kat and I explained how Corey was gone when we woke up, and of course that worried everyone, especially Dev.

"How long has he been gone?" Jake asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"I don't know Jake, I just woke up like fifteen minutes ago," I replied as I warily looked around.

"Well, who saw him last?" Sam looked at the group, worry evident in his voice.

"I did. I woke up in the middle of the night to get a drink and he was still beside me, sleeping," Devyn explained.

"Okay, well he couldn't have gone far. Has anyone tried calling him?" Colby held me close around the shoulders.

"His phone is right here," Jake held up the phone.

"Okay well, let's split up. One group can look in the castle and another can look outside. If anyone finds anything, call someone. Sound good?" Sam was the one to come up with a plan.

Everyone gave a reassuring and determined nod. I felt like we were the avengers for a second, coming up with a plan to save the victim—in this case, Corey.

"Okay, Colby and Kat, you guys are with me outside. The rest of you, search the entire place. Not one dust particle goes unnoticed!" Their group ran outside as the rest of us stayed inside.

"Okay, I vote that we split up, cover more ground. Two upstairs two downstairs?" Tara asked and everyone agreed.

Tara and Jake decided to search the downstairs while me and Dev searched the upstairs. I headed into the first room by the top of the staircase while Dev headed further down to my right.

The room I had walked into was one of the bedrooms, I'm guessing it used to be a nursery because it was nextdoor to the master bedroom and it had a crib as well as some baby toys strewn across the room, covering dressers and placed delicately in the crib.

The room was painted a shade of baby blue and the toys consisted of teddy bears and rattles. The circular rug in the middle of the room was a mix of dark blue, light blue and white. I could tell it was knitted by the pattern.

I walked across the nicely kept room towards the baby crib and placed my hands on the bars. The second my hands touched the crib, my mind flashed with what looked almost like memories, but they weren't mine. They were someone else's.

I saw a new born baby swaddled in a white blanked with tiny blue dots on it and two people—a lady and a man—standing beside each other, mesmerized by the tiny human sleeping Infront of them.

The man had his arms around the lady, holding her close with so much love in his eyes it was almost overwhelming. He looked strong and intimidating but the look on his face said otherwise. Weirdly enough, I recognized him, but I couldn't put my finger on where I had seen him.

The woman on the other hand, had long healthy brunette hair and the most gorgeous green eyes I've ever seen. Her smile was overwhelming and her aura was one of a kind. She looked like the kind of lady to throw herself in front of a bullet for a literal stranger and weirdly enough I felt like I knew her from another life. Or maybe I'm tripping.

The last thing I saw was a flash of bright light outside the window before I was snapped back into reality by a warm hand being placed delicately on my shoulder.

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