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*Colby's POV*

The car pulled up into the gravel driveway of the castle and once Sam parked I hopped out, grabbing my jacket and phone before leading the rest of the boys to the big wooden doors.

Entering the caste and submerging ourselves in the large empty palace was one thing, but it all felt so much more lonely and surreal without the girls (mainly Claire) and I didn't like it.

Sam started explaining how he wanted to do a real investigation with the rem pods and EMF meters but I zoned out half way through his conversation. My mind couldn't stop wandering to those gorgeous green eyes that made me fall in love a little bit more each time I saw them.

"Earth to, Colby!" Sam snapped me back into reality, waving his hand in my face like windshield wipers on a car.

"What?" I looked him in the eyes as his hand fell back to his side.

"You good brother?" his face scrunched up as he examined me from head to toe.

"Yeah, I'm um- I'm fine," I reassured him as he stared at me with concern.

"Are you sure? You've been weird ever since you left, Claire's side," Jake recalled and Corey nodded along with him.

"I'm fine. Just worried, that's all,"

"Aww! Colby's in love!" Corey said in a girly voice and I rolled my eyes.

"No- you guys-" I tried to stop them but it was no use. I had fallen right into their trap and I was now continuously getting sucked into the black hole of mockery that would most likely last the rest of the night.


"Okay, that's enough! Let's just get this investigation started," Sam stopped the two childish boys' bickering and picked up the main camera.

How those two have girlfriends amazes me.

I grabbed some of the equipment Sam said he wanted to use and we agreed on starting in the master bedroom.

"Alright, so we have set up some equipment here, like the rem-pod, Corey has the EMF and we also have the music box set up in the hallway." Sam informed the camera as I turned on the rem-pod. "If there is anything here that would like to communicate with us, please set off one of these devices,"

We waited in silence for a while before the eerie song of the music box came from outside the door.

"Music box music box!" Sam said as he stepped out into the hallway, showing the camera that there was no one there.

"If that's you, can you please step away from that device?" I asked and the sound stopped the second the words came out of my mouth.

Everyone looked at each other with shocked expressions, mouth wide open, eyes wide and a sense of fear filling the room.

"I just got chills!" Corey said lowly, almost in a whisper.

"You always have chills," Jake sassed and I had to hold in my laugh.

Suddenly the rem-pod went off from beside me and I quickly jumped away from it. A chill ran up and down my spine as a wave of coldness washed over the entirety of the room.

"Brother, It just got so cold," Jake said as he crossed his arms to try and stay warm.

"If you were just in the hallway, step away from that rem-pod," Sam instructed, but it took a couple seconds for the device to stop.

"Are you one of the people who lived in the castle?" I asked and the music box started again.

"It's like it just walked in and then walked out again!" Corey said and I nodded while Sam pointed the camera outside the room and down the hallway.

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