Austin: part one

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Hunter had been on many missions, but none of them were quite as important as the one he was about to undertake. He was going to meet his nine-month-old daughter, Austin, for the first time.

Hunter had never imagined that he would become a father, but life had a way of surprising him. He had met her mother, a fellow soldier, on a mission many months ago. They had fallen in love, but their paths had diverged, and they had not seen each other since.

As Hunter made his way to the planet where his daughter was being cared for, he felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. He wondered what Austin would look like and if she would recognize him as her father.

When Hunter arrived at the facility, he was greeted by a kind nurse who led him to a room where Austin was waiting. As soon as he saw her, his heart swelled with love. She was a tiny, beautiful baby with bright eyes and a head full of dark hair.

Hunter took Austin in his arms and held her close. She looked up at him, and he could tell that she was studying his face. He talked to her softly, telling her all about his adventures and promising to protect her always.

For the next few hours, Hunter spent time with Austin, changing her diaper, feeding her, and playing with her. He marveled at how quickly she had grown and how much she had learned in her short life.

As Hunter prepared to leave, he felt a pang of sadness. He didn't want to say goodbye to his daughter, but he knew that he had to return to his duties. He promised to come back and visit as soon as he could and gave Austin a kiss on her forehead.

As he left the facility and made his way back to his ship, Hunter felt a profound sense of gratitude. He was grateful for the opportunity to meet his daughter and for the love that he felt for her. He knew that he had a new purpose in life, and he was determined to be the best father he could be.

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