𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐂𝐲𝐜𝐥𝐞

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8:00 pm

"Aight, I'm out!" Roxanne yelled as she ran down the old creaking stairs of her childhood home. She had an old backpack swung over one shoulder that bounded with her steps. Her usually curly hair was straightened and up in a high ponytail with bangs hanging down her forehead. She wore a large, navy blue Yankee jersey that was unbuttoned to show a small, tight white tank top underneath. Paired with regular, dark denim jeans that were meant to be baggy but were slightly tight around the ass, and white Adidas shoes.

Her words and loud movements alerted her mother who was in the kitchen, washing dishes. "Aht, aht! Come here, little lady." She called out to Roxanne.

The girl sighed before turning around and walking her way through the dining room and into the open kitchen archway. She leaned her left side against the wall as she watched her mom clean with her back facing her. "Yes, Ma?" Roxanne asked her, her voice giving away her attitude.

The woman turned around, looking at her daughter from the corner of her eye. Roxanne stood up straight, pulling her other backpack strap onto her free shoulder. "Sorry. It's just that I have to go before I'm late." She reiterated, seeing the crazed look her mother gave her.

The woman sighed, before shutting off her water and drying her hands. She turned around and slowly walked over to the girl. The dark-skinned woman and her daughter met eye to eye. Their faces mirrored each other as they looked into one another's eyes. Michelle's demeanor dropped as she looked at her daughter's face, a smile creeping onto her features. Roxanne smiled looking at her mother, getting rid of her previous attitude.

"I didn't want anything. Just wanted to know to be careful, don't do anything I wouldn't do. And that I love you." Ms. Davis told her daughter, reaching up to pat her warm cheeks. Roxanne smiled, nodding her head to her mom's words. "I know momma. I love you too." She said before hugging the woman.

Michelle embraced her daughter tightly, swaying them a little. Once released, Roxanne turned around to walk away before she was stopped again. "Oh, your dinner is in the fridge. I want to see it all gone in the morning." Michelle told her sternly before making her way back to the sink to do the dishes.

"Ok, see ya." She said before dashing out the door. She sighed once she was outside the front door, not prepared for the long night ahead of her. She took her keys out of over pocket as she walked over to the old Buick Estate wagon. She took off her backpack and threw it into the front seat, hopping into the driver seat afterward. And after getting the old price junk to start, she was off down the road.

Roxanne fidgeted as she drove. She was nervous about what tonight would bring. Ms.Vegas informed her that some big and important people requested the Hidden Ladies and she was very serious about them not messing anything up.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛Where stories live. Discover now