Chapter 1

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Narrator POV: You're a student at Jujutsu Academy, you loved the school! You also loved your friends dearly, you cherished them

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Narrator POV: You're a student at Jujutsu Academy, you loved the school! You also loved your friends dearly, you cherished them.

Right now you are sitting in your first year class with Maki, Toge, and Panda waiting for Gojo and the supposedly new student to arrive. You were excited to meet the new student since you don't make very many friends when you're a Jujutsu sorcerer, Jujutsu sorcerers are pretty closed off and reserved in your opinion but you still respected and loved everyone nonetheless.

Y/n POV: "Im so excited to meet the new student! What if he's cute?!" I shouted with a blush, Maki chuckles and rolls her eyes "I heard that he crammed his classmates in a locker, he sounds like bad news to me. A damn troublemaker." she says. A frown appears on my face, "he might have a reason behind it you know..? But nonetheless I'll keep my guard up for you guys!" I said with a smile.

Just then Gojo appears and twirls around before stopping abruptly with his hands up in the air, he looks very excited..maybe thrilled. "I'll introducing.." he says and stops talking for some suspense, i hold my hands together tightly in anticipation while i have an excited smile on my face.

"The transfer student!!" He finishes before doing all kinds of poses, "Everyone get excited!!" He shouts. Not even a minute later the door opens revealing a boy with black hair and really bad eye bags, 'poor thing..' i thought as i smiled at him nonetheless. The minute he steps in the room the air gets tense and i feel this strong aura now covering the room like a blanket, as i look closer i see a huge mass of cursed energy surrounding the boy as my best friends/classmates ready their weapons and prepare for combat.

I do the same and grip my katana, 'how scary! But he's handsome...' i thought before getting flustered at my own thought and shaking my head to get rid of any distractions. With every step the boy took i felt more and more threatened, but finally this curse appears behind him looking at us in a very threatening manner.

The boy finally makes it to the front of the room as he begins to introduce himself, "I'm Okkotsu Yut-" he starts before having Maki's weapon stab the chalkboard beside his head, it was a few centimeters away from his head. All of us surrounded the boy with our weapons out, "Is this some kind of test?" Maki asked before continuing.

"This is a place to learn curses, it's not a place for the cursed to be" she says before actually looking at the boy, "Hey..You're cursed." She says as the boy widened his eyes. "This is where we learn curses to exorcise curses, Tokyo Jujutsu High School" Gojo says as all of us students minus the new boy sweat drop, we all slowly turn to our teacher.

'He just now told him that?!' We all thought in sync, 'sorry' Gojo thought while raising his hand in an apologetic manner. The poor new boy had a horrified expression on his face, 'Tell me that ahead of time!' He thought. Then suddenly the boys curse reaches its arms through the chalkboard, "Wait! Rika!" The boy says as he has a terrified look replacing his last one.

It grabs Maki's weapon as we all start to back up, "Do not..BULLY YUTA!" It says as it reaches for us with its hand. 'BWAAH! THAT HAND IS SO HUGE ITS GONNA CRUSH US!!' I thought as I panicked eternally. "Watch out!" I shout to Toge before he gets thrown comically across the room.

A few minutes after the whole incident everyone besides me had some wounds from 'Rika' the new boys curse, we all stood together as Gojo lectured us. "If you attack Yuta, Rika's curse will activate.. or not. So as you can see, this is the boy cursed by Rika, who just LOVES him. Okkotsu Yuta! Be nice to him, everyone!" He finished before pointing to Yuta.

I smile at Yuta as Gojo proceeds to introduce us to said boy

He points at Maki, "This is the cursed tool user, Maki Zenin! She uses special tools to exorcise curses"

He points at Toge, "This is the cursed speech user, Toge Inumaki! He can only speak in rice ball ingredients so, have fun chatting!" "..kelp"

He points at Panda, "This is Panda!" He says. "Hi! Im Panda, nice to meet ya" Panda says.

He then points at me, "Annnnd this is cursed love user, Y/n Kanroji! She's a very sweet girl with a big heart and a big appetite but.....don't let her fool you, she's a very strong girl" he finishes. I smile and run up in front of Yuta and grab his hands, "It's nice to meet you Yuta! I hope we can be very good friends! You're very handsome by the way! You look very nice too! Very husband materi-" i get cut off as Maki drags me away from the classroom and away from Yuta as our two best friends follow us.

"We'll be going now!" Maki shouts while still dragging me away, "Waiiiit! Maki i wasn't finished!!" I shout with a frown. "I know, thats why i dragged you away while i could.." Maki deadpans as she says that. I pout as our two other best friends chuckle, "I'm telling you guys! That Yuta boy is so handsome! He looks husband material too!" I shout with a blush on my face and a wide smile as i hold my cheeks. They all roll their eyes at me and we all continue down our path to our dorm rooms.

When i reach my own dorm i look over and i see that Yuta's dorm is right next to mine, i smile widely and blush before rushing into my dorm. 'His dorm is right next to mine!! KYAAA' I thought.

 'His dorm is right next to mine!! KYAAA' I thought

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