Chapter 4

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Y/n POV: I shouldn't have to worry about handling these curses, Maki can handle them and show off to Yuta! Plus the curses are low leveled so Maki can handle them with ease

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Y/n POV: I shouldn't have to worry about handling these curses, Maki can handle them and show off to Yuta! Plus the curses are low leveled so Maki can handle them with ease.

I let my hand fall to my side and away from my katana, i then look up and watch Maki eliminate the curses with no problems. 'Maki is so cool!!' I thought with comical stars in my eyes, i truly adore Maki! She's so strong and cool!

"Pay attention newbie! Curses usually group up when their weaker, the weaker the curse..the more they group together!" Maki says directly to Yuta as i nod in agreement, 'KYAAA !! Maki is so smart!!' I thought with a big smile on my face.

Just as i snapped out of my thoughts, Maki already eliminated all the weaker curses and we were ready to head into the school building. I look over at Yuta to see if he's okay since he's been quiet-ish, maybe he wasn't quiet...


Narrator POV: As the three of you entered the building you immediately felt the air get tense, you sensed a strong presence that wasn't one you were familiar with, not as strong as Yuta's but maybe close.

As you guys were walking down a hallway close to the top floor of the school you turn to look at yuta and immediately start worrying, he's sweating a ton and he looks like he's about to drop dead because of how terrified he looks.

Y/n POV: "Hey Zenin, Kanroji..aren't you guys scared?" Yuta asked us as i shake my head in response, "nope! Not at all, I'm quite used to this stuff!!" I said hoping to somehow make him feel better. He nods at my response and awaits for Maki's response, Maki is quite the tough girl to crack!

"Don't call me by my last name." Maki says almost bitterly, i know about her past and such. I feel so bad and I honestly wish she of all people didn't have to go through that but stuff happens and i wasn't able to help fix it, there was no fixing it! I wish her family treated her better.

"Sorry..but it seems like a lot of ghosts would be here! They are already here.." he says as i glance at him worriedly, i don't think he's gonna he okay throughout this mission. 'Poor Yuta!' I thought while shaking my head, 'Focus Y/n! Focus right now!' I thought.

'There aren't many curses here, even though the veil's been drawn..' Maki thought while side eyeing him, she then observed her surroundings 'no..theres many, just not it because he's here?' She thought. i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, 'why is she side eyeing poor Yuta like that for!' I thought. Yuta then flinched at something moving in the corner of his eye, "Something just moved!!" He shouts as i look at him in concern.

'Yuta's definitely strong but he's also definitely super jumpy!' I thought as Maki scowls, "Hey!" Maki shouts and stops walking suddenly, i tilt my head in confusion as i stood next to Yuta. "What grade are you in?" She asks as Yuta's expression goes blank in pure confusion, "testing my English proficiency?" He mutters to himself in confusion before Maki continues, "Jujutsu sorcerers are ranked in grades from 4 to 1" Maki says as she turns her head to look at Yuta, "But i just came to Jujutsu high? I don't think i have that..." he says.

"Ugh, forget it." She says as she fully turns her body towards Yuta, she then holds her hand out "Show me your student ID. You got one from that dumb blindfolded guy, right?" She says as you sweat drop at her demanding tone and name usage she used for Gojo. "Dumb blindfolded guy..?" Yuta asked again, still confused as i try my hardest to not laugh while holding my hands to my mouth.

"Yes, here you go.." he says as he hands her the card, she snatches it aggressively and takes a look at it, "Well, if you joined with no prior history, you're probably grade 4..." she says before her eyes widened. I then peep at the card as my eyes widened as well, "A special grade?!" We both shout in sync. 'Special grade is above even grade 1, isn't it? Is this some kind of joke?' Maki thought to herself.

"Yuta!! We're twins! I'm special grade as well!" I said and smiled widely, "i never thought i would meet someone other than Y/n with a special grade rank.." Maki muttered quietly. Just then Yuta gasped as both me and Maki look at him questioningly, "Behind you..." he says in almost a whisper.

He sounds really scared...don't tell me..!

As me and Maki turn around we see a ginormous curse squeezing its way towards us, i would say it was a solid 10-ish to 15-ish feet away from us. BUT THATS STILL SO CLOSE! ITS A STRONG CURSE TOO!!

Yuta then backs up in fear as me and Maki ready our weapons, 'oh gosh! I hope I don't make a bad impression on Yuta..i really don't wanna scare him!' I thought nervously. 'NOWS NOT THE TIME FOR THOSE THOUGHTS Y/N!! PULL IT TOGETHER GIRL!' I thought as i huffed in annoyance, I shouldn't have such thoughts in situations like this.

The curse then squeezed weak parts of the building with its insanely strong strength and manages to explode a part of the school while severely damaging the rest of the building, just then all of us went flying into the air due to the force of the intensity of the damages. The curses upper half was now out of the building and it let out this horrible noise, as we're all three in the air Yuta's screaming out of pure fear while me and Maki try to think of a plan.

"Damn it..its way too damn big!" Maki shouts as she start's rapidly falling towards the curse, readying her weapon in an attack stand mid-air. I do the same, "Try this!" She shouts and finally gets close enough to the curse just to find out her calculations were wrong on where she would be landing. She then tries to protect herself by using her weapon as a shield to shield her from the curses teeth while i see her weapon fly away from the curse and onto the school roof floor as me and Yuta fall into the curses mouth as well.

I see her leg get a huge gash from the curses sharp shark like teeth going down its throat, the curse fully swallows us and closes it's mouth. "Thank you" it says before looking up at the sky, "Thank you for the meal!" It finishes.



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