Chapter 2: Marriage?

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My mother puts a necklace around my neck. I look at it with awe. It's very beautiful and looks extremely expensive. I look over at my mother.

"Who brought this?" I ask, curiously. She hesitates a second, but finally answers, "Nokachi Takitafu. He's asked for your hand in marriage."

I freeze. "You mean I'm getting married?" I ask. She simply nods in response. I look at the necklace again. He's obviously rich... My family is running low on money lately because my cousin needs very expensive medicine. If I get married to him I can help my family.

I don't love him though. I haven't even met him. He was at the party. I must admit he's kinda handsome.

Mother stands. "Tomorrow we are joining him for dinner so get some rest," she kisses my head then leaves. I am pretty tired. I yawn then lay down on my futon.

It's cold and I can't sleep. I sit up in my futon. Maybe I can get another blanket from a servant. I stand and walk towards the sliding door. I notice it's open just a crack. That's probably why it's cold in here.

I see the moonlight peeking in, but for a second the moonlight is gone. Nothing, but a shadow. A cloud? I hear the slightest pitter-patter of feet.

Whose there? I open the door quietly and walk out into the moonlight. Again I see shadows. Why is it going towards Mother and Father's room.

I follow the shadow. It opens the sliding door very quietly. Who- What are they doing...? I come up by the door and peek inside.

The shadow has a-a knife... No... A sword! It plunges the knife into my father's chest... My eyes widen with horror.... ASSASSIN!

He then slices my mother's neck. It all happens so quickly, I can't keep up. I stumble away from the door. I'm about to scream, when a hand suddenly covers my mouth from behind.

I struggle as the person holds me so I can barely move. The assassin that just killed my parents looks at me and the person holding me.

I can't see the person holding me, but the assassin has chestnut colored hair and spring green eyes. His evergreen colored clothes are stained with the blood of parents. The smell of blood makes me a bit nauseous. He glares at me. Am I going to die?

I feel my breathing increase. No... I'm not going down without a fight. I bite the hand covering my mouth. The person restraining me yelps and loosens his grip a bit.

I elbow his gut with my flimsy arms, but he lets go. I run into the forest near my home. My kimono makes it hard to run though. I trip on a root. POW!!! I fall face first into the dirt.

I hear many feet softly landing in front of me. I try to fight my tears, but they come anyway. I clench my fist. Damn these assassins!

A familiar voice speaks. "Mikachi? Is she going to have to die?" the voice sounds a bit sad. I don't raise my head. Another, sounding a bit older, voice replies, "Of course she does. She saw Meizu!"

"I dunno... she's kinda cute. It'd be a shame to kill her," a voice few years older than me talks next. I sob. "You are not helping, Futami!" the next voice seems kinder than the rest.

"She is innocent... so she won't die... but her seeing us... and now knowing our names could be a problem," this voice is gruff, but is warm. I hear foot steps and yells. The guards!

I snap my head up and look in their direction. Three figures leap towards the guards with weapons on their hands. Suddenly someone pulls me into and embrace. My head is rested on there chest.Whaaat?! I try to get free, but they hold on tighter. The familiar voice whispers in my ear, "you won't want to see this..."

That voice! The boy from the party! H-he's an assassin... I freeze. The sound of swords clanking and liquid hitting the ground fills my ears. No...

He whispers in my ear again. "My name is Rinmo... You don't have to be scared because I'll protect you..." I suddenly pass-out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2015 ⏰

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