My life turned from calm to noise

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After my brother told me the truth about us, I asked him how to be the most powerful werewolf and why They need me.
Luca: “ the rest of the wolf packs discovered that our race belongs to the royal family, so they plotted to kill us ”
"And what's wrong with being a royal family?
Luca:" There was a war between werewolves a long time ago, and in that period our ancestors resorted to witches to solve the issue . The witches cast a spell on one of our family members, making him the werewolf master.” 
_"make him an alpha? 
Luka: "No, they make him control every Alpha. And every werewolf of whatever rank they make, they make him king."
_"That's great, but why do you want to Make me like him ?"
_Luca "My father was the last person of his bloodline before they were all killed, and since you are the only girl in the family, you are the chosen one..... After a man transforms, a girl must transform after him, otherwise an imbalance in nature will occur. " 
_"Well, I'll do it, but won't I go home?
Luca: "No, my sister, you are missing now, and this area makes any werewolf who enters it hidden from the outside world, meaning that your friends will not find you, and tomorrow you will see posts indicating that you have been kidnapped."
"Well maybe this time my mom will really worry about me.
( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ ) .”
After I finished my discussion with my brother, an elderly man entered us, with mostly gray hair and beard,  his stature makes you respect him from his majestic appearance. I think he is the alpha of the flock, so he is... my father!I looked at him without saying a word, and he came closer to me and said, "Welcome, Princess." I gave him peace while I was stuttering, but I did not see any tenderness of fatherhood in his eyes. He was like a wolf. All he cared about was saving his family. He asked my brother to prepare me For everything . He didn't talk much and got out quickly. 
My brother told me that I would stay here until the next full moon, and that I would never leave, for I am the last hope, or the whole herd will be destroyed. I accepted all his terms, and in the evening I walked about the colony a bit... The children were playing among their parents, they were all so well matched, they were like a real pack of wolves. And I liked it, I envied the children who live here, I wish my childhood had passed in this place. 

••••• after 27 days

I've gotten used to it here, I've got new friends and a big family,  they're all so grateful to me that I'm going to save our species, and finally that day has come.
I am scared and excited about what will happen today... I will become the strongest in this world . My father ordered everyone to prepare me for tonight's spell, my brother gave me a costume made of wolfskin and the pack girls bodyd me with a mixture of strange herbs and spices, I looked like a barbarian. After the full moon came, all the wolves chained themselves up, and I was left with a few witches who were going to do the spell. They put me in the middle of a star and flames and they gathered around me and started saying strange words and then my eyes started to bleed blood and the pain started extending all over my body, my head almost exploded I feel terrible painMy eyes were starting to get blood, I was screaming out loud. The earth began to shake, and at that moment my eyes drank blood and turned into a strange red color. I felt a fire burning inside me. Power was running through my veins.

The full moon of Al-Tamaz was reflected in my eyes, but it did not make me transform, as I now control everything, but the last step in my transformation was forcing the werewolves whose chains I had cut off to stop

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The full moon of Al-Tamaz was reflected in my eyes, but it did not make me transform, as I now control everything, but the last step in my transformation was forcing the werewolves whose chains I had cut off to stop. Everybody charged at me they're losing control today and all I had to do was turn and howl as my howl took over their minds. This is my power.... to be a queen.
I imagined without any pain because I felt completely in control of myself, unlike them, and as soon as they howled, it was like an order for them, they returned to normal with a word from me,  everyone stood to bow to me, because I am the leader of all the alphas now.
I returned to normal after discovering that my color was white, unlike all of them with black fur Our herd's victory celebrations began, my coronation celebrations began, but I ran towards my brother with great terror and asked him.
_"What is going on with me, I feel like a king and I want him so bad, why did you cheat me again. ?
Luca: "Sorry, Sister, but I forgot to tell you that the King, after discovering that he forbade you to mate with any werewolf other than a Queen, gave up hope and hid in an unknown place. Only you can feel him and find him."
_"What are you saying "
Luca: You are destined for each other and your love will be an instinctive love, you will love him against your will and both of you will burn his heart until he finds the other. "
_"what?!! "

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